California fires again!

Yep…some of the possible factors are in the Media…just the wrong Media.

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So bored of injecting politics into climate change. Record droughts, record temps. Reaching at straws…
It’s a global thing. Climate change is caused by people pumping CO2 into the atmosphere increasing it’s conc at 2ppm a year…Starting at 270 and now at 410 and rising.


But population control, land planing and forest management are local and totally more controllable than stopping everyone from burning fossil fuels. It needs and should be talked about.

Human caused climate change should be talked about and admitted to by the president of the US. Ignorant fool that he is. It’s not anything to do with left vs right rubbish.

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More silliness, especially as you seem to be arguing that anthropomorphic climate change is due solely to the US.

Consider the source, as they say.

It’s just the angle the MSM wants to go with today to bash Trump. For what it’s worth his views on climate change seen to be worth bashing.

If the MSM balanced that out with actual coverage of discussions on how to prevent these kind of fires, thinning of trees, removal of eucalyptus trees (highly flammable), putting cables under the ground (a measure which was vetoed). I wouldn’t mind they take a dig at trump’s stance on Global Warming, except they are so deranged, they forget to do any of that and people like Brian come along thinking Global Warming is the only issue being discussed.

Yeah, Trump is no environmental champion. But it simply doesn’t follow that within two years he’s somehow become the world’s single largest environmental villain. Jumping to conclusions like that is trivial partisanship, nothing more.

California has also hurt itself with its own climate initiatives, as pointed out in @shiadoa’s link.

It is estimated that “for every 2 to 3 days these wildfires burn, GHG emissions are roughly equal to the annual emissions from every car in the entire state of California,” USA Today/Reno Gazette reported in 2017. Last year, there were more than 9,000 major wildfires which burned over 1.2 million acres. Several of the large fires were caused or exacerbated by sparking utility lines.

The problem is that the Air Resources Board Scoping Plan ignores the most egregious of all GHG emission problems – manmade wildfires. Instead, the ARB spends a substantial amount of cap and trade funds on high-speed rail, which literally increases GHG emissions and eliminates large carbon sinks. The ARB has a history of diverting funds to pet projects and programs that have little or nothing to do with actually reducing GHG emissions.

In his introductory climatology class, Dr. Ball tells his students to “watch for a sequence of events from California. This will begin with complaints about drought and threatened water supplies. In the Fall, we will have stories about fires decimating the landscape and burning up communities. The next in the sequence is rain and mudslides. Welcome to sunny southern California. I don’t recall a year in which that sequence did not occur. The only differences were the intensity of the events, the hysteria of the media and the degree of political exploitation.”

Dr. Ball concluded: “Exploitation of the California events is just another example of the standard ploy of environmentalists to take normal events and present them as abnormal.”

My understanding is that even if we stopped all burning of fossil fuels, it’s too late. We are past the point of no return.

Never said that , said it was a global thing . As the US is a major carbon polluter and has a lot of global influence it’s a big problem for the US and for the rest of us when the president of the US denies human caused climate change. Pure ignorance.

It’s not too late, it’s a matter of severity.

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It’s not an angle it’s blatant reality. 100s of people dead from climate change influenced massive fires and he can’t even say…Hey we have a problem here!

Only a complete numbskull would deny human caused climate change at this stage.

President Trump has said that “he doesn’t know” if humans have caused climate change. He has never said that humans have not contributed to climate change, only that he doesn’t know the extent - if any. That is the complete opposite of “pure ignorance.”

And again, you’re just parroting partisan, pro-Democrat statements. If you have faith that humans have created climate change, the more significant question is “can humans halt climate change” not “have humans created it.” Taking others down a “creation” rabbit hole is fruitless.

If he doesn’t know then he’s the definition of a dumbarse. From his limited vocab I’d say dementia is probably not far off anyway

‘I want great climate’…

The president of the United States can barely string a sentence together on the subject.

Yeah, pure Democrat partisanship, nothing more. Color me shocked. :roll:

Just to add some more math to the equation:

“Illegal Pot Farms Are Poisoning California’s Forests”

And this one from 2014 in Mother Jones which made a lot of potheads mad:
“The Landscape-Scarring, Energy-Sucking, Wildlife-Killing Reality of Pot Farming”

And some fun facts from the MJ article that directly relate to the fires and climate change conversations:

It thought it was all a Marxist plot , make up your minds people :rofl:

Maybe if the press didn’t quote the broken up stuff he says off the cuff…just saying.

Also, I never quite know what to think of people who harp on the intelligence of the POTUS. As if they, they, the laymen, are somehow smarter and would somehow do better at explaining the incredibly complicated stuff that needs explaining all the while taking into consideration the political and legal implications of what is said.


How do you feel about this:

Obama could read very well off a teleprompter but was a completely ineffective State Senator. He was generously quoted for years as POTUS. Now he’s going to be a billionaire. Trump started as a billionaire, but he’s dumb and can’t talk good?

I don’t have a conclusion to this. I just like pointing out the hypocrisy and walking away. :whistle:

Blah 'Blama.
He ain’t the president, you know, the guy in charge.


His already limited vocab is shrinking weekly…and he never even lived in Asia lol.

Obviously partisan politics is a huge part of any human efforts to effect climate change (one way or another). Maybe when Democrats can come up with something more than “end/hobble capitalism” and are willing to back off the partisan attacks, then constructive dialogue can happen.

Also obvious that science has no examples available where a change in human behavior has ever lessened global warning, although human history provides many examples of wrong-headed economic policies resulting in economic ruin.

Russia! :grin:

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Marxists actually.