California fires again!

Beautiful like Satan

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This is us for the next few days
Hot and smoking

Take care. :cry:

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Wildfires have been a natural part of California’s ecosystem for millions of years. Nothing to do with climate change.


that being said, they are saying its getting worse. More fires, bigger firestorms. Longer droughts.

the climate she definitely be a changin as she always was. The question is how much of it is man made and how much is natural cycles. The earth has been through mini heatwaves as well as mini ice ages as well as real heat waves as well as real ice ages.

The poles have shifted too and where it is now frozen was once tropical, and probably vice versa.

Mans impact pales by just one major volcanic eruption.

Doesn’t California have laws making any clean-up of downed trees and branches on public land illegal?

My understanding is that part of the problem with wildfires is that California claims ownership of downed trees and limbs on public land, not unlike medieval English kings made hunting game illegal on their personal land holdings.

Problem is that California doesn’t have the resources to clear away the debris, which accumulates, dries out, and eventually feeds the wildfires there.

The authorities have gotten smarter about using controlled burns recently, but mismanagement was a problem for many years…too much fire suppression. I think the main problem is suburban sprawl though. Too many houses being build in fire-prone areas.


like the horrible loss of life in Paradise a retirement community close to the foothills of the sierras in 2018.
The town should not have been there. It was and downed electric wires from strong winds that day started the incredible blaze. Burning at the rate of one football field PER SECOND. Who can out run that?

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All the imported eucalypts probably don’t help!

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Damn Ozzies…

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Trolls since the 19th century
do not reply to aussie posters

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@tommy525, just pull a reverse Grapes of Wrath, put your things in a U-haul (although I read that one-way U-hauls are hard to find in California, because others are skedaddling out), and start driving southeast. Go to Texas in the panhandle or North Texas (so not to be impacted by hurricanes along the coast). Plenty of service jobs in the Republic there.

A lot of Californians are going to Texas now that Oregonians hate us

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“now”? Oregonians have hated Californians since the 90s. ha ha

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how insightful, coming from a horse. so sorry no one ever mentioned you matter.

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I wasn’t following the news on these fires. My son, who lives in Santa Cruz, just said that Scotts Valley next door (where he used to live) just got the evacuation notice and that they’re probably next. He’s being proactive and leaving now to go stay with friends in LA. I’m glad he’s safe, but that would suck so much if his apartment caught fire.


Our smoke is traveling across the whole USA

Pretty normal really

@tommy525, you should move to Colorado and take up hiking


To add to all the fires a few of which are now the largest in California history we now have a grass fire at the naval station at north concord Bart a few miles from me

Also expecting more dry lightning tonight which may set off more fires
Apparently hundreds of fires is ongoing right now

About 3 are huge

Helicopters and dc10 and 747 water tankers
Are dropping water fast
They can