California fires again!

Climate change means bigger storms and means more heat waves. WE are near a week into our latest heat wave with temps regularly topping 100 f.

And the danger comes when we get “dry” thunderstorms. That is a lot of lightning and little rain. And we got that a few days ago! All night long and into the morning. Little rain but a lot of lightning. And that has touched off many fires in California.

We got a fire near Mt. Diablo near where I live. Got fires up in the Sonoma/Napa area, in San Jose even, in Santa Cruz area (not to mention LA area) in the carmel area as well. The lightning has touched off a lot of fires big and small and fire fighters are out fighting them. One helicopter dropping water has crashed and killed the pilot.

I went to reno 17th to 18th and we drove by areas with a lot of smoke and even in the Reno area they are now battling one huge fire and one smaller one.

And this morning the smoke (probably from Napa/Sonoma areas ) have arrived and we can smell it at home.

WE can already see a lot of smoke all over the bay area. The usual sunny blue skies have been replaced by cloud that is not cloud but instead smoke.

we had horrible fires in 2018 and 2017, seemed to have missed big incidents in 2019 and hopefully this year we will keep the fires in control.

We won’t get significant rains until NOvember so any big fires will result in horrible smoke again until the rains come.

Is it time to move to another state for good?