I had two bikes stolen last month. My girlfriend had one stolen a couple of months previously. I know several others who’ve had them stolen too. Now I’m thinking of lobbying the new Mayor of Taipei to do something about bike security and other bike facilities. New mayor - could be the right time to find someone willing to listen.
So I’m looking for as many people as possible who have had bikes stolen, especially Taiwanese voters. We foreigners are tax payers and have every right to lobby the government of the place we live, but having a vote makes your voice that bit louder!
I have some contacts in the local bike lobby and industry, and some contacts in the media, so I’m thinking it might be possible to achieve something here. Not exactly sure what yet though. Sometimes, politicians just need to be told. They’re not aware of every issue (how could they be?) and they never will be unless you shout about it.
Any thoughts?