Can a Taiwanese citizen open a corp in China? or is Taiwan business a China business, too?

Because of China’s philosophy of “One China”, does that mean they consider Taiwan “China” for business stuff?

If my wife (Taiwanese) has a corporation in Taiwan, does that also count as having a corp in “China”?

And the other way around: Can she open a business in China if she is from/lives in Taiwan?

We’re trying to tap into China’s market for video games and we can’t get in unless we have a business in China. I’m wondering if… we technically already have one? Or if it’s easier to get it than we thought?

No, just like you don’t fly domestic from China into Taiwan or can come as go as you please from TW/CN and have different IDs and passports etc.

Even HK is not China for business I believe. Still operate on different laws.

You can open a business in China as a Taiwanese, Taiwan has always been one of the top FDI countries into China. However there are risks. Because as you said, China has the one china policy and idea but the rules don’t actually reflect that. Laws and regulations have always been a risk for Taiwanese firms there. How they interpret the laws and rules will be a challenge. Example, my father had factories there. IP was stolen but thats basically a known risk. But 3 of his workers from Taiwan were arrested for different interpretations of taxes and import tax laws. If they want to fuck you, they can and theres nothing you can do. He bribed for 2 to return and 1 of them is still in prison and nothing he can do with bribes or lawyers.