Can antibiotics cause depression?

I had sciatica before, a “disc”, actually 2 discs pinching on the nerve. It was hell on earth. That alone is enough to get depression let alone bronchitis and lock down. Spring is coming , vaccines are rolling out, gyms will reopen. :+1:t2:

I was thinking the same thing. Chronic pain or just waiting for a painful injury to heal would depress me, or most anyone, as well.

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Hope you get better. My guess is that it’s mostly the schoolwork. You seem to exercise a lot and so you are probably used to injuries. We’ve all been sick before and so you probably know how to push through that. But the stress from schoolwork. Nothing has knocked me on my butt before like that. It sounds like you are going through what I experienced years ago when getting my engineering degree and then taking a big professional exam. You’re religious but maybe not so much anymore? Maybe it’s time to get serious about your faith again. And don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Is it really that important that you graduate in the top 10% percentage or whatever you said in a different thread? I know a lot of people who did very average in school but they could handle real-life stress from a job much better. Anyway, some things to consider. I hope you get over this quickly.

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Are you eating breads? Anytime I eat bread it f’s with my joints and my mood.

Sciatica can be a mofo. There’s a couple of morning stretches I’ve found that pretty much got rid of it.

If you get sick of Kimchi, go for some Hungarian sour cabbage and pork especially if they use paprika.

Keep your chin up, duder.

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Grad school is definitely a stressor in my life, although I’ve been killing it. I can’t rule out that it’s multi factorial with everything going on. Although I’ve given myself a lot of room with how highly I’ve scored so far to finish on top. It’s not the most important deal to me, but it’s a goal. I won’t be too upset if I don’t achieve it.

I just can’t help but to suspect the antibiotics had something to do with it. It happened all of a sudden once I went on it. And there seems to be some evidence that it can’t cause depression as most of the serotonin is made in the gut for example. A full spectrum antibiotic is kind of a scorch earth method of killing bacteria.

And you’re right about physical pain and discomfort. I can take a lot of beating. It doesn’t bother me too much.

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No. I’m not a big bread eater. I’ve been consistently staying low carb.

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Keto. Are you still doing keto?

I know you know that can mess with feelings and emotions if you don’t keep all the nutrients and electrolytes all maintained appropriately. Even if you think you are doing that, double and triple check. Even something as simple, and common with Keto, as low magnesium can have effects.

I’m not doing keto at the moment. Just low carb.

The good news is that it’s not chronic; it’s not clinical, meaning this too shall pass.
I’m thinking it’s S.A.D., or SAD like. Yea painful. It sucks. Seattle has many gray cold rainy days, and the Pacific Northwest has more of these cases per capita than any other (?) part of the U.S. A big tip, if it’s gray and rainy and cold… is to just get outside regularly. And the stress, Man. You have lots on your plate. It’s probably too much. We need some stress, but too much is a killer. All the diet and supplementation and exercise advice is good, but we’re more complicated than that. I add that you gotta manage that stress. Best wishes Mr. 0409 ;^)

I’m starting to feel a bit more like myself again, although still feeling a bit numb. It’s a weird feeling, I don’t necessarily feel bad, but I don’t feel good about anything. I find no joy in things, no motivation. But I don’t feel sad either.

Contacting my GP since I’ve paid into NHS anyways and contacted the school to see if they can help me figure it out. Been on fermented food and probiotics for 3 days and maybe it’s helping a bit.


Neither highs nor lows

I’m feeling much better now.

Been taking probiotics and eating kimchi. Not sure if they’ve helped but I do feel better these days.


No. :face_vomiting:

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It’s probably relate. I had the same thing happen in my teens after using antibiotics two different times.
Kimichi or sauerkraut are amazing for gut health. Try doing Bone broth and collagen as well, at least for a few weeks. You don’t have to suffer. I did antibiotics for years due to acne and I was always tired and weak.
The key is to focus on foods that heal your gut.

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Back pain is the only thing that ever gave me depression. Then there’s the four or five days of depressing feelings when coming off strong narcotics you take to help get past the worst of the pain.

Antibiotics disrupt the gut microbiome. Impacting the whole body balance potentially causing multiple disorders.