Can anybody recommend a US bank?

I just recently moved here and am looking to transfer my funds over. Would prefer a US bank. Tried Wachovia, they only accept business accounts. Tried Citibank and they told me that for Americans they require an $8000 deposit to open an account. I don’t have that amount of cash in-country, but have much more than that in my account back home. I am in a Catch-22 with Citibank. Need $8000 to open an account, but can’t get the $8000 to open the account because I don’t have an account to receive the money !! Any experience with other US banks ? Or if I have to, which are the better Taiwan banks to deal with ?

How about Washington Mutual,

They have free checking with no monthly fees…


go with WaMu and don’t worry about why ?
ohmyGod I agreed with acdropout :unamused: