Can anyone recommend a good dentist?

Not stupid. Low skill required for low competition areas

Any recent experience with a good dentist in Xindian? English speaking preferred but not essential. Not sure I want to face the “queueing” system in the ZiJi hospital this week!

My experience… I needed to get my teeth looked at. Twas 4 or 5 years since I had anything done. I decided not to visit a clinic but go to the hospital dental service.

What a great service. First had my teeth lightly cleaned second session was taking photos and xrays of all my teeth. lots of plaque buildup bit no holes in teeth so no fillings or root canals. So next 4 sessions around an hour each was to clean the plaque under the gums. So each session one section top left, bottom left, top right bottom right. At bottom right my back two molars really bad so needed a 3 hour surgery where gums are cut and peeled back to get all the plaque down to the bone.

Dentist was great and really gentle with the injections. All in was around either NT$150 or NT$340 including meds. All done in Chinese though but the dentist was under 40 and did speak English.

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Which hospital dentist in Xindian was that with?

Was not in Xindian. But suggest you go to a hospital dentist. You can book online with whomever you want to get you teeth looked at. So find out what hospital has a dental operation and search the dentists online.

Taiwan Adventist is pretty good.


+1 You can make appointments online as well. Many of the dentists are trained abroad. The co-pay is about $50 more than other dentists, but they don’t jerk you around with unnecessary procedures.


in general look for someone who is wearing gloves and still has their own teeth in their mouth

All great suggestions! However does anyone have;

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Well, where did you go and who was the dentist?

Chiayi Christian Hospital Dr Tsai