Can dual citizens join the volunteer military?

Is there a restriction on that?

I believe it is allowed.


My son was looking into it a while back after recruiters visited his school and seemed to think it wasn’t possible.
But I’m just curious as I thought I had seen a few posts here before of people whose sons had somehow done it.

There just doesn’t seem to be a law stating at all.

I don’t believe there are any laws against it. Besides, how would they know you’re a dual citizen?

They cannot.

MND is authorised to determin how to select volunteer soldiers by Article 3 of Act of Military Service for Volunteer Enlisted Soldiers .

Article 4 of the regurations they set, Implementation measures for the Selection and Training of Volunteer Soldiers, says applicants should be ROC citizens without foreign nationality.


Thanks for confirming that. It was what my son had mentioned.
Curious if it’s always been like that as I recall some other members here mentioning thier sons in volunteer positions.
Wonder if part of the reason for this is because dual nationals can no longer hold government jobs/office or if it’s strictly military security or espionage concerns.

Maybe it’s asked on the enlistment forms or could somehow be referenced from household registration?
Militaries often do some level of background checks.

At least, it’s been so since 2003.

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That’s strange. So you can be conscripted but not volunteer. Makes 0 sense

You are required to renounce any extra citizenship if you want to volunteer.

What I’d like to know is this the same requirement for compulsory military service?

Can you be drafted if you are a dual citizen?

Edit: I just realized that last reply already asked this

No. I have 2 citizenships and did conscription

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Military service is the constitutional duty of ROC nationals. Article 1 of Military Service Act says the male citizens (which is not clearly limited in Chinese version) of the ROC are obligated to take military service. Article 32 says the conscription is done based on HHR, so NWOHRs are not conscripted. There is no laws or regulations that exempt dual citizens from the duty.

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Ok but is it enforced? How do they check? The law says you can’t, but what is the ‘real’ (ie. in practice) answer?

it may be similar to the real answer to the question if foreigners can work in Taiwan without work permits.

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Maybe but we know for a fact that that one is enforced regularly.

applicants should declare that they don’t have foreign nationality, and give permission to check their dualcitizenship etc to admissions committee. except for obviously able to be guessed cases, how or if they do check, idk.

there was a reported case in 2010.

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Is everyone who completed military service consisted a reservist who can be called up at any time?

I thought all who did conscription also do annual reserve training.

So if for some reason the government decided the need for a longer term reserve recall I guess the dual national members would just still be classified as conscripts? Even if it were a war or gearing up for one.

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