Can Forumosa disclose your identity to the authorities?

Courts can issue subpoenas in civil cases too, though the fact that they can doesn’t mean they will.

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There is, or there was last time I checked. @GooseEgg can clarify.

As discussed previously, a surreptitious recording is not illegal if it’s made for a legitimate purpose (though the line is is not completely clear).

As Charlie pointed out, each jurisdiction has its own laws. If something is legal to say over here, it may be illegal over there, and vice-versa.

The “but it’s not illegal here” defense would be quite important if you’re trying to avoid extradition. Other than that, why would a court in another jurisdiction care?

I think that if you accuse another member of illegal activity, and that accusation has real world consequences for the other member, you better be ready to provide evidence and/or back up your case. Doing so anonymously also seems like bad form to me.

Damaging someone else’s reputation is not something to be done lightly.

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Yeah, I’d agree with that. If it is something not just illegal, but ongoing, immoral, or harmful to children and vulnerable adults, just call the real cops. Anything else is gossipy and somewhat negligent. But, I could be wrong. This is all what-if unless someone spills the beans. :idunno:

In the wayfarback past of this place, there was a wild drive by outing one day. It was immediately seen and read by many everyday posters, even though it was caught and flamed almost as soon as it came up.

The site protects users. Does it protect a poster’s neighbor who regularly beats his wife? :thinking: Didn’t we have a picture of some knucklehead who stole a bike a year or so back? We saw his face eventually. Did the site or the person who posted the guy’s face get sued?

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What’s weird is @jimipresley made the other thread too… :thinking:

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For those who are really wondering. Here is a way to do it.

Step 1. (edit by Olm: please don’t discuss how to do illegal things or breaking forum rules here)


Man I really want to know what I said


Admin of an FB group in Taiwan did so from a member who accused him of being a pervert. The woman posting that skipped court and was recently arrested at the airport. She has to either pay NT$212,000 or do 212 days in jail. I have the PDF doc to another member here of the court case.

Thing is people who posts on forums it’s not really that hard to find their real identity. Many go to happy hours wearing their name tags and telling people who they are in real life lol. Some have their photos posted by admins on social media saying this person is known as such and such on some forum.


Come and get me, Taiwan authorities.

I know what you said!!! You said “edit by Olm: please don’t discuss how to do illegal things or breaking forum rules here”


Oh it’s not only Taiwan authorities. You’ve mentioned where you live many times.

One thing is a judgment can be entered in Taiwan and enforced in another country just costs money and time.

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How about not being a fucking idiot and not admitting illegal shit online. Do it in private, naked, in sea water with loud sounds around. The fuck kind of question is this?

If you commit crimes publicly, expect to get caught.

No Duh 101. 2 doors down the hall, on the right.


Who else wants to hear this story?
Ooh, or guessing could be a fun game. I’ll go first:
Explant was at a beach house party thrown by some insufferable trust fund frats, but the invitation was too good to pass up. After getting right schnoggert and coked, a plan evolves to abscond with the pissing boy fountain statue. He convinces two friends to enter the fountain while he diverts the party goers’ attention by streaking in a rainbow clown wig worn as a merkin. He meets the friends on the beach and they escape through the waves with the thumping bass resonating further and further in the distance.
The pissing boy statue is found 500m downshore the next morning wearing a rainbow wig strewn with seaweed.


Only people who you’re legally protected from disclosure is doctors, lawyers, or your Catholic priest during a confession.

Everyone else can share whatever you say to anyone.

Actually law enforcement often look at social media, so be careful what you say there.

The authorities are only interested in someone who has something significant to declare. I don’t worry about it.

I’m pretty sure priests and doctors need to cooperate with the police too. If someone tells their priest or doctor they’ve been molesting kids, I’m pretty sure the first thing they’re supposed to do is call the cops. They’re not going to just sit there and ask “so, tell me how that made you feel”.

Well maybe not ALL priests.