Can I ask the police to kick out a roommate that I originally allowed to live in there?

The Problems of the Bold and Beautiful

I would suggest you to install one more lock to the enter door of your apartment. IMHO, doing this you do not break any law. You have no obligation to provide her a new key. But do not refuse to return her staff if she wish.

She already doesn’t have a key.

Sucks to be nice to terrible people.

You could just suck it up and live with it till she gets her life figured out and hopefully doesn’t cause you some bigger problems along the way.

So I see no problem here

Instead of tossing her stuff, which could cause you grief down the line, give her stuff to a mutual friend, and then she has absolutely no reason to come to your house. Problem solved.

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Can I live at your place? I promise to clean up after myself occasionally and fill the fridge with Pocari Sweat!


Try an intervention?

You don’t like her, but you’re not one to throw someone out onto the street with nowhere to live. It’s clear her bad habits before losing her job were annoying you and just escalated once she lost income, her bf and could at any moment be kicked out of her apartment.

I would say try this route. If it doesn’t work or you don’t want to give her another chance, have her stuff moved to a mutual friend’s place while she’s contemplating how to reply to your ultimatum. I mean…she does have other friends right? If she doesn’t then said plan might not work…

What makes him her life-coach? Screw her. I don’t advocate throwing her stuff into the street and calling the police, but he doesn’t owe her anything beyond that. People like this are toxic. He should just get rid of her in as delicate manner as possible, and then cease all contact with the waste of space.

Find her a cheap hostel and move her stuff over. Pay for a week and be done with it. Once she is out tell you local police that she is not allowed in your place because she was breaking stuff, etc. It is always better to go to the police first.

Write her simple letter why she is Status No Gratis. "Moocher, lazy, don’t clean up, bad influence on girlfriend and in general not a good person. "

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If the security guards are worth their salary, there’s no need to call the police, I reckon.


In a building with one tenant per floor and only 9 floors. They best be worth their management fee per ping.

You need an electronic key-card to even use the elevator in my building. Makes me feel more secure knowing crazy vagrants and drunks can’t linger outside my door.

Dear Sofia,
We hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Taiwan, but we must insist that you leave within the next three days. We know you have many friends, and I’m sure they would want to enjoy your company for some of your remaining time in Taiwan.
So, by noon on Sunday the 28th.
If you need help carrying your suitcase or boxes to the elevator, we’d be happy to help.


Definitely something like this, something that isn’t judgmental. She’s already going to have a bad day, she doesn’t need anybody telling her things that will hurt her for life. Even if she is a bad person, and it sounds like she is, you don’t have to say it.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
― Socrates

Not so thinly veiled I live in a nice apartment thread! :grinning:

Just keep in mind that no good deed goes unpunished so I’d have somebody else present for every action and interaction.

So true. I think more “good” deeds have bitten me in the ass than “bad” deeds.


I’m not sure if the security has the power to just remove someone once they’ve been living in my house. Keep people out yes.

She still has t responded to us.

Well, she isn’t able to come into the lobby or the building. But I’m just wondering what I should now. I’m not sure she has friends that would let her stay, not many people have a spare room or would probably like another person sleep in the same bed with them for a month, especially without paying.