About an hour ago I saw an old lady getting flattened by a truck about 10 yards from me. Flattened. Her head and upper body were flat to the blacktop. I nearly got bits of her on me when her head exploded. I still can’t stop weeping. I feel bad, but I’m sure a lot less bad than her family.
What a day!
[quote=“sandman”]About an hour ago I saw an old lady getting flattened by a truck about 10 yards from me. Flattened. Her head and upper body were flat to the blacktop. I nearly got bits of her on me when her head exploded. I still can’t stop weeping. I feel bad, but I’m sure a lot less bad than her family.
What a day!
Jeez, mon, that’s rough.
I extend a virtual and heartfelt yet thoroughly manly hug.
Call home and talk to wee Manny there, that should help.
Say something nice to you? : You’re a great bloke and it’s to your credit that you haven’t become numb to human tragedy; that it can and will always move you.
Thank you el Jefe. It IS appreciated. And Mr. P.
I couldn’t even say anything to the cops – all I heard was a big bang, and then, there it was. I have no idea who was in the right or wrong. The truckie was sitting on the sidewalk puking and crying, too.
That is absolutely horrible, my thoughts go out to her family and everyone who’s life will be changed because if it. Hang in there Sandman, I’m sorry you had to see that.
Sandy -
Hard thing to see and not be affected.
Shed a tear and hold the wee one when you get home.
Thoughts with ya man.
I love you, man.
It’s good that you care.
What Stu said.
[quote=“irishstu”]I love you, man.
But not in THAT way. Right? RIGHT? Because, you know, no matter how down I’m feeling, I’m NOT going to steal you away from the chief. That would just be plain and simple WRONG.
What JP said.
That sort of thing is tough to take, sandman. That poor woman! I hope you feel better soon.
What JP said.
That sort of thing is tough to take, sandman. That poor woman! I hope you feel better soon.[/quote]
Nicely said, son, your dad
would be proud.
Aw geez, that’ll ruin your day.
Sorry you saw that, Sandman. I hope a big hug and smile from your lovely son will brighten your day back up.
Take care old chap! You’ll be OK. Shit happens.This is a rough universe.
Sleep on it. Don’t drink on it until next week. Go plant something or write a new song about your son.
Thank you. And yes, I will. And yes it does. And it is. It’s just when it leaps up out of nowhere and smacks you in the face… I’m no sheltered wallflower and I’ve seen my share of horror, mutilation and pointless carnage. Too much, probably. But man! That one today was just… I dunno. I want to just lie down for a while.
Consider having the Mrs. take you to a temple and getting a shou1jing1 收驚. Lit. Taking away the shock. It’s simple ritual (takes two minutes) that is for precisely this situation.
It made me feel better after a similar experience once. And no I don’t believe in any of the mumbo jumbo surrounding it. It’s just that doing something about the state of shock you are in can help.
[quote=“Feiren”]Consider having the Mrs. take you to a temple and getting a shou1jing1 收驚. Lit. Taking away the shock. It’s simple ritual (takes two minutes) that is for precisely this situation.
It made me feel better after a similar experience once. And no I don’t believe in any of the mumbo jumbo surrounding it. It’s just that doing something about the state of shock you are in can help.[/quote]
You know what? I think I might just do that. Thanks Mike.
You got a good heart.
Try to delete that from your memory. You weren’t driving the truck, so nobody’s blaming you. Maybe watching a favorite comedy or listening to some of your favorite music with the headphones cranked will help you forget a little.
Whenever I hear one of these stories, I drive a little more cautiously and cross the streets with a little more care.
Youre a damned good looking man. Don’t think we havent all noticed…
damn…horrible image.
for what it is worth, you are a great read, hopefully something good will happen to help you forget about this.