Can your ex employer find out your new job?

I am considering leaving my current job for another job in a different city in Taiwan in the same field. My boss is crazy and I plan to tell him I am leaving Taiwan for Canada, not moving to a different job. Is there any way that he might find out that I lied? Perhaps through national health insurance or something?


If he’s that crazy, he could always hire people to tail you and see if you actually left.

You should just tell him straight to his face that you quit. What you are doing is none of his business. If things get bad verbally tell him any problem and you’ll call the police.


No idea (depending on the field, I suppose there’s a chance it could ultimately come out), but in my view it would be a pointless and immature thing to lie about as an adult. You’re presumably not a slave and have the right to quit your job if you wish.

I think honesty (and assertiveness) is really the best policy in these kinds of situations, rather than telling silly lies to avoid an awkward conversation. (There may be exceptions of course, like if an employee was actually in genuine danger - if that’s what you meant by “my boss is crazy”, ignore this comment.)


Why does it matter if your boss finds out? What is he gonna do? Show up at your new job and scream at you?


I once had a boss that dragged me to a police station for frivolous arguing.


For a local you sometimes miss some vital clues.

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It’s just a white lie. Why not? When in Rome…

Always save face. Most people use a family emergency/health issue excuse.

Taiwanese bosses are not known for turning the other cheek.


Did you counter sue for public insult for claiming you are a person who argues frivolously? If not, what did you do?

To the OP, you should probably definitely let him know if you’re quitting mid-contract because he has to send a notification to cancel your work permit. Otherwise, you can’t get a new one. If you just leave, he may not send in, in which case you’re stuck, or he sends it too quickly, in which case your ARC is invalid or something. Best to give your boss a letter, get a letter from the boss saying you’re quitting, go to NIA and get an extension, and then get a new job. It’s no fun, but they’re usually professional about it because that’s the law. If they don’t like you, they’ll be glad to see the back of you anyway.

He could be a reader of this forum. :idunno:

How do you imagine he could mess with you? All bosses aren’t in cahoots.



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You get it.

Yes, they can. Anyone can if they care so much. Follow icons advice. Family whatever. Moving in with a girl/boyfriend in another city etc. a lie related to family is somehow considered face saving…

Some bosses are like a crazy ex, so it can matter even though it shouldnt.


Oh the elderly mother who is sick and the dutiful.son excuse. They all know it is BS but yeah it saves face all round.


Follow the advice of Icon. She gets it.

It’s debatable. I’m kind of interpreting the OP’s question as “is there any easy way they can find out my new job”? Probably we can’t help him with any definite answer about that (but it can’t hurt to ask!) Only he knows the particulars of his overall situation and what risks he might possibly be facing if he’s found out. In your average situation it shouldn’t be a problem, but, situations can differ. I note he didn’t really ask for general advice.

General advice is all that can be proffered.

It can’t hurt either!

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