Canada Lowers the Bar for Legal, Assisted Suicide, includes poor

Ya. Thats why i posted it. Its from the OPs article, which is a very strange one.

Also agreed. Perhaps they just assist suicide lazy people… Currency collection numbers shouldnt be part of the stats involved.

Beats pulling the trigger, I suppose.

It draws attention to an issue that shouldn’t exist in any developed nation — poor people who would rather die than live in poverty. Hey government, wanna solve the wealth gap problem instead of just letting the poor die on their terms?

The only reason articles like this are written this way is that the rich are terrified of who is going to be exploitable labor if poor people are allowed to end their lives instead of living in undignified conditions at the mercy of rich bosses. Maybe we should do something about living standards instead??


the point is that things that may appear to be neutral on the surface often aren’t (ie nobody can sleep under a bridge - it’s not targeting the poor, it applies equally to everyone! it’s a strained attempt to make point, but clear what they’re saying in context with their example.).


The man in question is a pensioner- he doesn’t have any boss.
Poor people laboured for thousands of years planting wheat and rice at the mercy of weather, insects, plagues, and men on horseback. They toiled building pyramids. cathedrals, and palaces. I doubt if there is going to be a wave of suicides among workers now brcause their pensions are too low. We’ve continued to live when conditions were a lot worse.

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Because we hadn’t experienced anything better and we thought others were in the same boat.

We also had religion telling us not to do it.

Now we have the Internet showing us how shit our life is and governments recommending/offering a solution.

And they also died sometime in their 30s. No need to plan for retirement when you’re already dropping dead during what we now call “prime working years”

The slaves certainly did. And many of them died in the process too. What’s the difference between the pharaohs of then and the ultra rich now? They both have power and wealth for reasons of birth lottery/sheer dumb luck and tell the plebs (who are below them also due only to the luck of the draw) to do their bidding or suffer. Hint: none of us are pharaohs!

Again, no, cuz it was quite rare to live past 40 until the industrial revolution came and shook things up a bit

Canada has the most worthless and hopeless government a modern country could run :laughing: :laughing: Wouldn’t trust these jackasses to run a peanut stand, let alone LAS.

And before some PC clown complains, I have served in Canada, so have every right to an opinion. :canada:

The corporates claim there is no proof of course.

The video from the link above has gone.
It is here:

Anyway, it must be one of the first commercials in a long time that does not feature any non-white European Caucasians in it.

I saw this, which if true takes it to another level:

Beats me what all the whining is all about. Someone wants to die? Let them die.
Oh, the poor taxpayer! Jesus, how much does a barbiturate injection cost?
Fucking religion again.

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Probably costs a lot in Canada. everything is bureaucracy there. Liability, lawyers, due diligence etc all of which are not free. In.fact, often the professions dealing with law, insurance and health care are paid quite high salaries.

It would be easy just to end them, but it’s not that easy when thought about.

And ya, religion has no place in health care.

Not the point. The decision to end one’s life shouldn’t be dictated to by morality and

I agree. That’s what I am saying.

however ,if you ask someone else to pay for it, guess what happens?

otherwise, suicide can certainly be free.

but regardless, murder becomes a problem. people offing people for inheritance etc. happens here too. there are real issues that require legal oversight to avoid too much crime.

If I am dying, I’m going out in Prada robes alone with whisky, not Walmart shart in kumbaya groups listening to whale sounds or Greta’s Marxist fart-smelling

On LAS, I believe in the right, not the promotion. And certainly not Trudeau’s gang to run the PR show!


Not particularly. It’s believed average lifespan at birth for a good chunk of history was low due to high death rate in infant/childhood, but if you made it into adulthood, the average was 40+ for a lot of places, a lot of the time before the industrial revolution, so 40 was hardly ‘quite rare’.

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God I hope the Torries hire you for PR! lol, what the fuck?


If anything I hope this shows the world how overrated of a country Canada is. It’s like a country run by redditors.

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