I heard something about a Canadian arrested at Taoyuan Intl. airport in the last 24-48 hrs. Seems his girlfriend of 6 years went missing 28 days ago after witnesses saw them arguing. Her body was discovered this week and he was found attempting to leave Taiwan. Has anyone else heard about this?
Dunno. Just Googled canadian murder taiwan and came up with nothing, except both the Taiwan News and the China Post are running a story about a Canadian who murdered some bloke in Canada. WTF? Is it REALLY that much of a slow news day? What’s next? “British man buys new Ford Focus” “Tesco announces massive savings on baked beans this week only!”
My wife saw the story on the news tonight. The guy was arrested at the airport as he was about to go home for Christmas. She says the news crew showed his face, and showed the buxiban that he works at. Anyone hear anything more?
It was all over the news last night. The guy is like 42 and I think he’s not charged yet, but can’t leave the country. Anyways a reporter called him and he spoke Chinese at first, but when she asked him about his relationship with his girlfriend he pretended not to understand, very strange indeed.
Why murder ? All he has to do is just go back home. Get on a plane and a new life.
We need more details.
That can’t be good for business.
All together now, let’s hear it for the Apple Daily…never fails when it comes to a juicy furriner-in-trouble story!
[quote=“The Apple Daily”]【謝東明、簡威弘╱台北報導】北縣一名女子與加拿大籍男友吵架後失蹤28天,家人報警後,警方前天在其男友離台前,在兩人同居處旁山坡草叢找到女子腐爛遺體;但其男友在女子失蹤後,不僅立刻搬家,還一度欺騙女子家屬找到人了,警方懷疑女子遭殺害,已將加籍男子限制出境。
負責偵辦的新店分局陳姓鑑識偵查員也因睡不著覺,認為此案似有遺漏,前天約集同事與葬儀社人員,深入大樓旁山區草叢,終尋獲女子腐爛屍骨。警方也發現,其男友還已買好當晚離台機票,火速到其任職補習班將他帶回偵訊。 [/quote]
Which means, more or less:
A girl from Taipei County had an argument with her foreign boyfriend and disappeared for 28 days. Her family raised the alarm, and the day before yesterday police found the girl’s remains on a hillside near the residence the two had shared, just before the boyfriend attempted to leave Taiwan. However, the boyfriend had moved out immediately after the girl disappeared, and also deceived the girl’s family on one occasion saying that he had found her. The police suspect that the girl was the victim of foul play, and have forbidden the Canadian boyfriend from leaving the island.
Neighbors see girl crying at the door
Police say that Chen Yan-ling (30, from Taichung) had been seeing her 42-year-old Canadian boyfriend, who taught English, for five years. They rented a large apartment together in the mountains near Hsintian. During hte last half of last month, Ms. Chen went missing. Her family searched for her without results, and reported the matter to police for assistance. The authorities found the remains of Ms. Chen the day before yesterday, with broken ribs. Preliminary results of examinations of the body suggest that the girl fell to her death from a height. The Canadian boyfriend is suspected of murder and has been forbidden to leave Taiwan.
The suspect told police that the day his girlfriend went missing, the two of them had had an argument, and the girl had thrown things around the apartment. The boyfriend became angry and pushed her out the door. “She walked out of the house,” he said. Eyewitnesses to the happenings that night say that at the time, Chen was squatting in front of the door crying, saying “I had a fight with my boyfriend.”
That night, family members could not find Chen, and they called police for assistance in searching for her. However, just a week after the family reported the incident, the boyfriend moved out of the apartment, and lied about the girl having been found. Family members felt that there was more to the matter, and a week later they made a second report to police. The police went to the apartment the girl had rented to look for evidence, and discovered her cell phone, purse and other personal items inside. They suspected that the girl had not in fact left the house herself.
Detectives Work Without Pause
A detective at the Hsinchu division, also surnamed Chen, was also passing sleepless nights. He believed that there was something missing from the case, and the day before yesterday arranged with colleagues and morticians to search the grassy slopes near the apartment. Finally, they found the girl’s decomposing body. Police also discovered that the boyfriend had purchased an airline ticket to leave Taiwan that night, and hurried to the buxiban where he worked to bring him in for questioning.
Apparently he’s from Xindian.
Thanks ironlady,
You are the best!
So, is there another Xindian near Taichung?
They kept saying in the article that she was from Taipei County, so I dunno…
Very sad when love and relationships turn into murder. Happens all over the world. Sad anywhere. That being said, I guess the airlines must give a list of names of people who buy tickets out of Taiwan to the police? Or what?
And why if he murdered her why did he not immediately high tail it out of Taiwan? Could it be that she jumped to her death in a suicide? And he didnt know quite what to do? More details needed.
If I remember correctly in the case where a young lady was taken out of the kiss disco , reportedly by 4 middle eastern men and found murdered. The men had high tailed it straight to the airport and escaped the island. I dont know if they were ever caught. They had taken the girl (perhaps she was going to show them a night market or some such) and raped her in the car and killed her there if I remember the case correctly. Motto in that case. Dont go out with 4 strange men you meet in a disco. Even with one strange man you need to be careful.
Some more details from the Liberty Times:
tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/ … 1bk3q.html
Which mentions that the man 亞瑟 (Arthur?) had been recently staying with another woman in Taibei city and that before she went missing, they had had a fight about his cheating around. At the time she had made no mention about wanting to die, so he was shocked and devastated to hear the news. After that fight, he had been returning to his apartment in Xindian infrequently since it was easier for him to stay up in Taipei since that’s where is buxiban is, and he was preparing to move out of that apartment.
Also mentions that the reason why he was going home was for Christmas.
My uninformed hypothesis is that he slept around, she found out, they fought, she stormed out of the apartment, he thought good riddance, she jumped off the building and committed suicide, and he never realized she went missing until the police found him.
The article states she was from Taipei County right before her death, but was originally from Taichung.
gee tommy you come out with some pearls of wisdom …
[quote=“alidarbac”]Some more details from the Liberty Times:
tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/ … 1bk3q.html
Which mentions that the man 亞瑟 (Arthur?) had been recently staying with another woman in Taibei city and that before she went missing, they had had a fight about his cheating around. At the time she had made no mention about wanting to die, so he was shocked and devastated to hear the news. After that fight, he had been returning to his apartment in Xindian infrequently since it was easier for him to stay up in Taipei since that’s where is buxiban is, and he was preparing to move out of that apartment.
Also mentions that the reason why he was going home was for Christmas.
My uninformed hypothesis is that he slept around, she found out, they fought, she stormed out of the apartment, he thought good riddance, she jumped off the building and committed suicide, and he never realized she went missing until the police found him.[/quote]
If she committed suicide, why would her body be found in the bushes? Somebody had to have moved it. It all sounds a little fishy to me.
His reporting her as not missing is weird, if I was the police I’d definitely check his story very carefully.
gee tommy you come out with some pearls of wisdom …[/quote]
yes yes I know I know. I expected ribbing for that one. Goes with the “only the blind should wear sunglasses indoors thing”
Well, maybe he probably thought he kept missing her, meaning she was out when he was at the house, as he was not living there anymore, just occassionally dropping by. Of course, there may be other elements at play, but those will come out as soon as the police know more.
Sometimes the “I assume…” can be so creepy. The latest death in my family happened with an aunt who had her own place, but was staying temporarily with one of her daughters. Seems she came back for a local celebration, and decided to stay at her house. While alone, she went into a diabetic crisis, and could not reach the phone. She lost consciousness. Her son stopped by and honked and knoched on the door, but as she would not reply, he assumed she was out/went back to his sister’s house. His sister assumed my aunt had stayed over his place or her own place. By the next day, when they called each other, realized she was not here nor there, and finally entered the house, it was too late.
The suicide theory makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately. Could also be that she was running blindly, all pissed off, and slipped…
You might think it’s goofy, but I’m wagering this one is a Newfie
youtube.com/watch?v=LD1XhvT9 … re=related
I truly think one of us in the “creative classes” should start a television drama about a group of Canadians and South Africans in Taiwan getting into trouble while working at a Buxiban. The name of the show could be something such as “Maple Boers and the Sweet Potatos.” Alternatively, there could be a real life “Cops” program watching the Foreign Police going after these “vanguards of the Proletariat.”
The song for the latter could be: "Bad Boers, Bad Boers, what you gonna do? What ya gonna do when Taiwan’s FAP comes for you?