Canadian murdered in Yonghe

Friends stick by friends . Ryan was a marijuana dealer but also had other interests I’m sure and seemed to look after his animals well.(don’t know the guy just going by the reports and his friends statements ). I didn’t see any evidence that he hurt other people. Hes not one of the real bad guys in this story.


Good for you @Aikaili. You’re a good mother.


Not that anyone knows, as was mentioned earlier, shit, but there’s definitely one version of this story in which the deceased was the only participant who wasn’t a greasy POS.
As always, nobody knows nobody, but if you read the abundant praises in that Canook article from folks who knew him back home, well, you got to at least wonder, yeah?


I’m a lucky mom and glad I was there to support.


Anyone that uses a dog as a drug mule (if that is true) deserves their fate in Hades.

Lulu couldn’t be a drug mule. She’s extremely skittish and forgets that she knows you and starts barking. Media fabrication.


Given the quality of the DPP/Taiwan News, I will take your word for it.

I hope we find out more facts. My view is limited and I’m sure biased after what I’ve seen and heard.

Anyone that thinks Lulu could pull off muling, has never met Lulu. :joy:


The least evil tend to be the most naive. The average person has difficulty conceiving of psychologies vastly different from his own.

From what I can make out, the attitude is along these lines: “Hey, I’m a little bit crooked, so is everybody. But everybody’s a human being when it comes down to it. What’s unthinkable is unthinkable. They won’t seriously hurt me because that’s inhuman. Besides, we’re buds!” It’s a kind of sentimentality.

The universe has no pity on the unimaginative.

“Friends look out for friends” has a whiff of the No True Scotsman fallacy, unless you take it for what it is: a definition. Just because you have a few beers and a few tokes with somebody doesn’t mean he won’t kill you.

Although he’ll probably say nice things at your funeral. Even Brutus praised Caesar.

I’m talking about real friends Rowland.

Killer pop culture reference R. :sunglasses:

Mostly because she doesn’t have a passport and probably wouldn’t be allowed to board a commercial flight.
Can we please stop using this term improperly?
K-Man doesn’t need any help.

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haha. you are so right. swallowing condoms of drugs to crap out later…definitely not Lulu. wearing them in hidden pockets under her fur…

I thought it was because Lulu was used as a literal mule to plow Ryan’s vast marajuana fields.


foreigners discovering Ryan’s crops.
-source TaiwanNews


Pssst, doesn’t he mean Bluto and Popeye???

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A real friend is a Scotsman indeed.

Why not to the pigs? I hear they can really go thru a body quickly?

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Proper source:

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Thanks. I like that they refer to all three of the suspects and not just the foreigners.