Canadian murdered in Yonghe

Off topic, but I once worked with a guy who put his fist through a wall in a meeting.

You worked with Andy??



Not really. I have no idea how to get the link from the app.

From our favorite news source:

They had to spice it up.

From CNA

I was going to respond with a wiseassed comeback, but I got blueberry jam on my keyboard and I had to try and clean it off.

I noticed, as I read the Focus Taiwan article that manages to be comprehensive and informative and yet avoid reading like a fucking 12-year-old wrote it, that he’s referred to as “American tattoo artist and etc.” and I thought, why are the Taiwan Screws bozos compelled to constantly fucking describe him as “Israeli-American”???
And here we go, once again.
They consistently fail to amaze.
Fucking idiots.

Israeli Uzi connection?

To make atoga look more dangerous? Bad atoga is a trained killer! That is why we are bringing the paramilitary team.

And the other reason may sound racist so I won’t spell it.

Mayo makes it slip out of the tortilla eh?


You think you’re clever.
In fact, Mademoiselle Intelligent Trousers, it was just some 98 Bazillion Grain toast.
Hence the escapee, toast severely lacking the superior containment capabilities of your basic tortilla.

The part that amused me the most was his feedback on the AIT: According to the Apple Daily, Mayer was less than pleased to see an official from AIT show up to express concern for his case. The Israeli-American blamed the United States authorities for the canceling of his passport and gave the AIT representative the finger while shouting expletives three times, the paper reported.

He’ll probably lose his American (dual) citizenship.

They won’t let him off the hook that easy.

I’m starting to warm to this chap.

Seriously though, why cancel his passport and then turn up as an embassy representative?

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He hasn’t done anything that meets the criteria for stripping his US citizenship.

Just to mess with him.

Sounds like a real winner. He is smart to keep his mouth shut during interrogation, usually Taiwan police get them to sing like a bird.

Ait should back off since he obviously doesnt need help :slight_smile:

Wait til he cusses out the judge.
The death penalty might get used yet

No, not yet proven, but murder would!

He’s a tough guy!

Does it bother anyone else that his passport was cancelled before he has even been indicted, let alone convicted?

I mean, from my armchair expert position, his story sounds like BS, esp. when you add the “disguise” at the airport and running from police in PI, but cancelling his passport seems to imply that he is guilty.

Wouldnt it be more normal at this stage to just put his passport # on a watchlist or somesuch?

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Murder does not meet the requirement to be stripped of citizenship.

Many sentences are quite light in view of the crime

Me too. Reminds me of the dislike William Samson had for the Canadian consular officials!!!:rofl::joy:

Some of the most angry and contemptuous passages in the book, however, are reserved for the Canadian embassy, and an unnamed consul he calls “the Muppet,” who visits him and only adds to his torment by presuming he’s guilty, appearing to side with his tormentors. “The first consul congratulated my interrogators and himself on developing such a good relationship.”

The Canadian embassy retains a Saudi lawyer for him, but Sampson and his father consider him a stooge for the authorities. Sampson quotes his father saying, “The hypocrisy, downright dishonesty and treachery of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs is appalling.”

Whatever the full facts are behind the Canadian government actions or omissions is hard for the reader to judge, but Sampson’s animosity is unbridled. In the end, he will renounce his Canadian citizenship, refuse to speak with embassy officials, and make his contempt for Ottawa a major feature of his book.