Canadians: Would you go to war if you were asked?

Would you enlist and go to war?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

Seems abit early but have any of my fellow countrymen, that are within the ages of 18 to 35, go to war in order to help our allies?

It seems to be spiraling out of control.

I voted no, but I suppose it really depend on what the war was about.
I like living.

I’m out of that age range, but I voted yes anyway, having already enlisted and served during the Cold War. In 1983, war with the Soviet Union wasn’t a matter of “if”, it was a matter of “when”.

I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to re-enlist. The equipment we’re using is much older.

I, like many others, wouldn’t want to walk into the hailstorm just yet. But if you think about it; Canada if asked, may have to draft its soldiers. We’ll probably train on American equipment (happens all the time - exchange programs) and deploy.

It’s gettin bad out there and we might have to face this reality sooner than later.

I voted ‘yes’. God forbid.

Depends on the war. Line up behind the current cluster buck? Are you kidding? No.

I’m not Canadian, I’m Australian.

But if I were Canadian (or if the same question applied to Australians), my answer would be no. Not even if hell froze over.

I will not go out and commit murder (which is what war really is, albeit in a sanctioned way).

Since that war didn’t actually happen, surely it was a matter of if, not when.

I mean, things could have turned out differently, but isn’t that the definition of “if”?

I’m too old, ( and what’s this 35 stuff- the US Army has already raised it up to 42) but I come down strongly on the side of… it depends.

WWII- definitely- just like dear old Dad.

WWI- “Conscription if necessary but not necessarily conscription.” Probably not. Both my grandfathers fought in that one, one in the trenches, one torpedoed on convoy runs; both came later to oppose it.

Korea?- Just war, but not existential from Canada’s point of view- would have gone if drafted, wouldn’t have volunteered.

Spanish Civil War? If I’d been around at the time, probably- my old man tried, luckily for me he got caught and sent home(only seventeen)

WWIII- the Showdown- would have been incinerated before had the chance, but, yes. (I say that now, at the time I probably would have ended up in an internment camp).

Monster, you say it’s getting bad out there? War with whom?

Al-Qaeda? Small gang of murderous thugs in the mountains- do we invade Pakistan to winkle them out?

Iraq? Jump in the middle of a sectarian war between Shiites and Sunnis? No thanks

North Korea? They may, if pushed hard enough, launch a war against the South- is that who you had in mind?

The only other two countries which might be cosidered enough of a threat that regular armies are needed would be Syria and Iran.

Would I enlist in a war to invade Syria or Iran to overthrow their governments and occupy their countries? No and no.

Does Canada have any allies? What are you going off to fight for exactly?

Yeah that was way back when… and as you pointed out it was definitely on but never happened. The Soviets just faded away.

We all love these If and When situations but other people are actually getting it on.

Me I’m staying home to brew a nice cuppa tea. :smiley: :smiley:

WWIII is going to be the Islamic world vs the rest of us. Its already started and will probably end in a nuclear holocaust. I hope I’m wrong but probably not. The participation of Canada is iffy because of the large influence of US draft dodgers, peaceniks, and isolationists on the Canadian people. As usual, people want to delay taking action untill it is too late to prevent a delorious outcome.

Better us than them… Canada and Australia and looking like much better places to hide away in. :smiley: :smiley:

Well, given Bush’s willingness to see Pakistan develop 30-40 nuclear weapons a year, that’s suddenly become a lot more possible.

Can you name one US draft dodger etc, that has an influence on the Canadian people? They came to Canada because we were like that; we’re not like that because they came.

Stop talking in useless generalities like “the Islamic world”- Muslims are 20% of the world’s population, mostly underdeveloped, undereducated and poor. The vast majority are not extreme fundamentalists, in spite of the best efforts of the Bushistas to push them that way.

The Kaiser, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, (to a lesser extent) Imperial Japan, 50 years from now, China- those are threats.

Islamic Fundamentalism ?

The point I was making is to everyone at the time that war was inevitable, but I enlisted anyway.

I’m afraid Shin Gua may be right on the money. Here’s how I see things playing out: Iran will complete its nuclear weapon research. It will supply Hezbollah or some other group of Islamic wingnuts with a tactical nuclear device.

Scenario A: The wingnuts will use it on Israel. Israel go ape-shit. All Hell will break loose.

Scenario B: The wingnuts will use it on the USA. The Americans will go ape-shit. All Hell will break loose.

Either way the Muslims will get the worst of whatever is to follow. Oh, and Bill Graham will trot before the camera to babble some incoherent nonsense about Canadian values.

I use useless generalities like “the Islamic world” because the term expresses my view. Who will the non fundementalist Muslims support in case of a general war against the extremist Muslims: you the Jew, Christian or pagan against fellow Muslims, even though extremists? If you think you, your education in logic and ability to differentiate between rheteric and fact is in question.

The question seems rather vague & open-ended.
Enlist? In what branch? To go fight where?

Would I re-enlist to go fight in the Mid East or Asia? Not on your life. Too old & fat. Reflexes a tad too slow. Would I serve in an Auxiliary role? In say, in logistics, my speciality? Without a doubt.

Yet, also, i would no doubt weigh upon just how much said military action would be in actual defence of Canada’s interests. Unless of course, we’re talking about Sharia. Then I believe it would be my sacred duty as a pagan infidel idolater to resist it’s implementation.

Mmm you’d have all that depleted Uranium to look forward to, while the slugs in office plan your next move getting fat off the profits…
If you were injured on the field, good look with your medical assistance. They’d want to cut you off ASAP.
Good look with your body armour.
etc etc etc.

Snitch on a fellow soldier who you just saw rape and murder a young girl, watch your hide for a stray bulllet etc etc
Become a brainwashed goon who has to do what he is told or else.

Written almost 100 years ago and it could have been written last week.
War is a racket by Smedley Darlington Butler:

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested.”

If people refused to enlist and fight these wars, there wouldn’t be any.

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Wasn’t to me, and I suspect neither was it to most people at the time, though there was a lot of tension- thank goodness Reagan had the sense not to listen to people like Cheney.

Butler was just bitching because he thought he deserved more retirement pay. :laughing:

No. Plus, what the hell use would I be? Stand around somewhere? I can’t fly anything.

Man, if I see you in the supermarket, decide you are my enemy and procede to smack the shit out of you, and you fight back; does that make you a warmonger and me a hero? :roflmao:

Why don’t you get your shit together??? (wear it if the shoe fits)