Cancellation of arc

i finish my contract tomorrow (yippee!)…officially when do i have to leave Taiwan by presuming my company cancels the arc right away? is there a grace period?

7 days … ?

Lucky you. Hurrah!

ah yes…the sweet smell of freedom…

Hang out for a while.
Make 'em chase you down and haul you to the airport and throw you on a plane.
Start a thread about it and keep us all informed.

Just a thought.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Hang out for a while.
Make 'em chase you down and haul you to the airport and throw you on a plane.
Start a thread about it and keep us all informed.

Just a thought.[/quote]

been there, done that…they offered me a flight to anywhere in the world…dumb schumck that i am i chose HK…

Why is it that some people say it is 7 days and others say it is 14 days? Which one is it really? Is it different on a case by case basis?
While we’re at it I would like other people’s take on my story. I have found a new job in a city that I would much rather be working in. They have my passport and my arc card as they are applying to get me a new ARC. My old school has told me that they are going to cancel my ARC at the middle of this month. Two weeks earlybefore semester ends!!! They gave me a Blah, blah, blah story as to why they feel they need to do this. I think that they are just pissed that I won’t submit to their control and sign a contract for another year :fume:. My new school has said that this won’t be a problem as they can apply for it now and extend the time that I am under them for an ARC. Should I be okay to get the new ARC?