Can't kick this cold

I’m sitting here wrapped up like an Eskimo on my couch. I’ve only worked 6 hours this whole week. Caught a cold on Sunday, thought I could stop it with Panadol. Got worse on Monday, even worse on Tuesday. Went to get my scarf full of medicine at the doctors on Tuesday afternoon.

Tried working yesterday morning, I lasted 2 hours…took the afternoon off. Went to teach elementary and passed out. Luckily I made it out of the class in time!!!

So now I’m staying in the whole day today. Bored out of my mind. This weather is weird:(

Auntie Iris says “Drink pineapple juice (just the shitty carton stuff will do). It has an enzyme that other fruits don’t have that helps fight colds (Obviously eat and drink other stuff too). And lie on your bed (or wrapped up in a duvet on your sofa) ALL DAY.”

sounds good. Now to find a way to get this pineapple juice while staying in bed.:slight_smile: Maybe I can teach my dogs to go get it!

This is when your girlfriend comes in handy! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a real tit when it comes to things like that. I’d rather die going to get it than ask for help. I’m such a lamo.

Mom always made me bundle up, down a hot toddy (couple of ounces of rum, 3x as much HOT water in a coffee mug), then pass out and sweat it out in bed. If that doesn’t kill it, nothing will.

I got some Jagermeister and wrapped myself in 2 dogs and this heavy blanket…nice!

i had the same thing last week, i never felt so wiped out from a cold. I kept taking nyquil and dayquil but it didn’t help at all except with my runny nose. now i can’t get rid of the after-cough. well, get better soon!

Hot chicken soup. Guaranteed!

I usually OD on Vitamin C. That does the trick. About 1000 mg a day.

Good luck. Oh make yourself some chicken soup.

Well? Are you better yet?

I feel daft in the head still, but had a joyous (NOT) outing to Damshui (all the way from Hsintien) by MRT with our whole kindy school. Um…I mean elementary kids…older than 6. Definitely. :wink:

I think I caught your flu, Battery 9 :wink:

Feel like shite… Started out as a minor sore throat, now it hurts when I swallow or cough… Havent had a cold for years too

Leaving for Thailand on Thursday, so Im going to try all the home remedies listed in this thread…

Off to the chemist first thing in the morning for some supplies… :frowning:

A friend told me earlier tonight that its simply the ‘Taipei flu’ which lasts for about 3 months during winter… Anyone else experience this kind of low level illness during winter here?

I sortof still have it. I always have cough and throat issues, mostly from screaming ‘sit down’ and ‘be quiet’ for the past 5 years. The pollution and bad ventilation in clubs is not helping much either.

The only time I felt really healthy was during SARS when everyone had to wear masks…

good luck!!

Bleuurghh I just woke up and feel twice as bad today…

Shit… This is terrible timing… Leaving for Thailand tomorrow and was hoping to be in (fairly) good health. Have to travel around meeting suppliers and being all professional and so forth…

It hurts when I swallow, Im coughing up horrible green gunk and my head feels like its full of cotton wool

What to do? See a doctor and get some crazy industrial strength Taiwanese antibiotics? Stay in bed for the day and sleep it off?

I havent been sick in years… Was taking multivitamins/antioxidants for the last few years though (usana) which may have actually lived up to some of the BS claims that they spout

Ill go to the chemist soon and see if they can offer any help…

I find that when I try to cure myself (by going to the chemist and buying stuff) it doesn’t help. The only thing that helps is completely overmedicating myself with the combination of pills the docs give me. I can’t function…but at least its only for a day.

Yeah I think you are right, Battery9

I went to Chemist yesterday and bought some of that foul Lemsip sachet powder stuff that you add to hot water, and some panadol cold and flu pills. They relieved the symptoms a little but I woke up today feeling much much worse…

My throat is almost closed due to the inflamtion and my head feels like Ive been in a car accident…

Off to the doctor as soon as my friend wakes up… GIVE ME CHEMICALS!1!

Im flying out to Bangkok at 8pm and Im not looking forward to spending most of my holiday in bed feeling miserable… :frowning:

Pubba - eat a couple of super-spicy Thai curries, that’ll soon clear things up. Make sure you ask for the food to be cooked “phet-phet”.

I’ve got it too. Waking a dozen times with mosquitos buzzing in my ear didn’t help the night before last–wtf is wrong with mosquitos? Take my blood and piss off. Don’t wake me. You do that, you die. It’s basic evolution. Last night, a good, stiff hot toddy ensured that I wouldn’t wake so I’m feeling better. Still, grrr… I’m drowning in hot tea and chicken soup.

Chicken Soup is good for the Soul.