Cap Marvel, Endgame & the Marvel Cinematic Universe 2019

Wow I don’t remember the first one. I know he shoots most of his shirtless action scenes on the same day where he’s not eating and is very dehydrated to get that look in later films.

Kind of agree actually

Her suits… Their front zippers are practically down to her navel.

The big complaint I heard about WW was actually that her boobs were not big enough (as in the comics). I am ok with that. Personally she didn’t need to look like Thor, but her arms are basically twigs and very unconvincing. She needed to pack 15 extra pounds of muscles. A bit in the torso, most of them in her shoulders and arms.

Same goes with Cap Marvel. I know there’s a video where she’s pushing a truck or SUV solo so she’s strong, but visually she needed some of Steve Rogers’ glam muscles (actual term).

Haha. I’m an equal opportunity look-nitpicker. If CA and Thor didn’t look like they did I would voice it too. Unfortunately some people aren’t like that, and whine just about the ladies – which is smdh once we consider the historical and social context.

The big face palm for me was her instant emotional resolution when the other pilot tells her who she is – and then they hug it out right away like a hallmark commercial

I saw Black Panther the other day and it was ok. Much better than Avengers 3.

Somewhere in a parallel universe, Kat Dennings got cast as WW.

The only person who cared so much about building a spaceship was Mar-Vell, and she dead, brah.
The kree presumably do desperately want the tesseract though (for many reasons, possibly including that), which is 1. what they were after, along with 2. murdering all the skrull

You always self-sabotage like that! Will you ever learn from your own mistakes?

It’s weird, my experience was the opposite. My expectations were very tempered. So I had a ton of fun. It was a blast.

It gets hot in leather. Poorly designed.

They’re supposed to be Kevlar/enhanced bulletproof fabric by SHIELD and later Tony

And she unzips it in order to distract criminals. Hmm, I wonder what kind of costumes spies wear in real life?

I find it very odd that the majority of Taiwanese MCU fans, which to be honest are mostly male, tend to be very critical of Black Panther. The same people are equally against Captain Marvel, and I feel they are mostly against them because somehow they all bought into the anti equal representation and anti women rights ideologies.

I don’t know what exactly about Captain Marvel is overly women rights, but they have bought into the idea that Brie herself is too PC about women rights, so they have to diss her movies.

Because they are sexist and racist. Isn’t it obvious?

Besides, what do you expect from superhero movie fans? Lol

She does give off a “too cool for school” vibe when she’s doing press and that’s since before Captain Marvel. She was already like that when she did press for Room a few years ago.

Nobody appreciates handing over cash from the entertainment budget only to be handed back a lecture on identarian virtue.

Movies I’ll never watch include: Brokeback Mountain, Ghostbusters, Black Panther, whatever that movie was with the crossdressing Brit actor, the Turing movie, and lots more.

Started with Philadelphia for me, back in 1993. Just not having it, not when I’m paying for it. The slightest whiff of PC and I’m outta there.

eta: actually, I think the first time I realized I was being lectured was Kramer vs Kramer, and that goes waaay back.

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That only means you are very narrow-minded.

It only means I refuse to pay $$ to be lectured.

God forbid a medium trying to convey a message :roll:

If it’s a message they want me to give my ear to, then the dollar flow in the financial relationship is reversed. My ear has its price, after all.

Which means you have a very bigoted way of screening the messages you want to receive. Just admit it.

It means that I refuse to pay to be lectured. I will gladly pay to be entertained, but not a dime for the lectures of a stranger. If you want to lecture me, then you’ll have to pay me for my time and for my attention.

I fear you do not know the meaning of bigotry if you think this is it.

That is the thing: Captain Marvel is not a lecture on women´s rights. It is not Iron Jawed Angels, for Golden Globe´s sake! It is popcorn entertainment. It does not even carry an environmental message, they blow a lot of stuff up.

Captain Marvel herself dates to 1969, which smells to me like beehives and miniskirts.

And yet I do defend your right to watch whatever your heart wishes and choose with your wallet.


I’ll take your word for it. As far as I can tell there is already a super strong whiff of PC about it.

I don’t understand the attraction of super hero movies to begin with, so it’s safe to say I’ll never watch Captain Marvel.

In the comments and so called reviews, but not in the movie itself.

I myself like science fiction but not fantasy that much, except of course LOTR. But GOT changed my mind. I prefer manga to Western style comics, unless Condorito or Mafalda.