Cap Marvel, Endgame & the Marvel Cinematic Universe 2019

Didn’t know you were a champion sprinter, who can run the length of a 40 seat aisle, down in the darkness, locate the exit, get out of the theatre, power walk to the bathroom, do your business and come back in two minutes.

Two minutes at home, no problem. Maybe you saw the movie on ehem alternative media?

My seat was on the fringe.

Even if you’re sitting in the middle you can still stand up and go pee. What are others gonna do? Tackle you?

In two minutes you can overcome the obstacles of shoes, bags, assorted detritus, make ypur ecit and come back…you have my respects.

According to IMDb, Endgame will be released on the 24th in the following countries:

Hong Kong
The Netherlands
The Philippines

:rofl: Girl at this point you ain’t fooling anyone

Gain would never. It’s too sacred for him.

You’re clearly not very into music. I’d encourage you to go to a concert of an artist you really love.

Of the criticism of how Captain Marvel is formulaic, I agree with some critics out there saying Captain Marvel is the least formulaic MCU origin story, at least it doesn’t conform to MCU’s formula.

Most MCU origin stories have a villain that is straight up a foil for the protagonist. They are so similar to the hero in most ways, but ends up drawing a different conclusion from the hero based on similar experiences.

Thor has Loki, Captain America has Red Skull, Ant Man has Yellowjacket, Dr. Strange has Kaecilius, Black Panther has Killmonger and so on.

Most of these pairs have very similar if not the same abilities.

In Captain Marvel, there is no single antagonist powerful enough to rival Carol. It’s basically about Carol, after being kidnapped and brain washed, rediscovering the truth about the past and herself. The real villain is the lies. Once she overcome those lies, there was nothing that could stop her.

It of course is still flawed. It underused Fury, which is a pity. However, perhaps more people disliked the film because it didn’t actually follow the superhero movie formula.


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Carol is such an old school name. I dont think I ever really went to school with a Carol. It feels normal to hear someone have an Aunt Carol or Grandma Carol, though.

That said, for Cap Marvel I dig it. Reclaim that name, Carol Danvers.

Finally we can go back talking about an actual character :heart_eyes:

me neither… Ross’ first wife is named Carol… that’s probably where I heard that name the most.

My first gf’s name was Carol, a blonde slip of a sixth-grader with teeth so white it hurt to look. I lost my virginity to yet another Carol, a brunette beauty with flawless skin. Sigh.



So what’s going on now?

Interestingly, the international box office has helped it cross well over 1 billion. Hmmm…

That’s interesting, but what has happened to the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes?

Many explanations can be given but I leave the floor to researchers and experts in the field.

However, outside from US, people who just saw the movie and did not heard the accompanying noise, voted with their tickets.

Here in Taiwan it is still playing. Next up is Shazam, which comes with very good critics feedback… for a DCU movie. I wish it the best, Shazam was one of my favorites as a child, and loved Zach as the bumbling spy on that nerdy tv series. Fun thing is he was playing one of Thor´s bros in the MCU, a swashbuckling kind of space Errol Flynn type.


So would people outside the US still have flocked to the movie the first weekend if Rotten Tomatoes had not deleted >50,000 zero- and one-star reviews that first day?

I’m reading that the revenue fell off a cliff this past weekend, the third of its release.

Looks like fans of whatever comic this is Captain Marvel went to see Disney’s movie on the first weekend, pink-haired people went on the second (maybe some from first weekend, too), and the revenue and the RT reviews are headed south following this past weekend.

Looks to me like Disney’s working together with Rotten Tomatoes to, ahem, massage the first weekend’s audience score worked very, very well - if the measure of a movie’s worth is its $$ at the box office.

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Eh most people who participate in Rotten Tomatoes are not international audiences. It is a US site. How many foreign reviewers are represented in its total participation, not just readership?

People who feel negatively strongly about a topic will participate more actively. Case in point: Brexit, most Internet trolls, the same sex marriage vote. Hence, more negative reviews generated by people who felt threatened is logical to be found. That they were bots means they have loud voices, are more invested… and keep being invested.

Again, they are not attacking the movie itself, which does not have any of the supposed attributes they criticize, but rather what they believe is a feminist tall tale. Read the comments.

Ok, if you reject the audience scores trending downward that’s up to you.

Why is the box office also tanking?

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