Car trailer.. legal?

i know there are older posts about this but i wanted to make a new one just to keep the information fresh !!!
i heard a few days ago that trailers are legal in Taiwan… as long as they only have 2 wheels… so its of for camping gear, motorcycles, jet-skies and anything else that you can put in a 2 wheel trailer…
could someone confirm this or deny it?

I know side cars are illegal in Taiwan and not seeing any trailers on the road, i would say it is probably illegal also. Maybe for short distance like surf shops pull the equipment from their shop to the beach is ok.

On my way down to Kenting a good week ago, I saw a couple of cars pulling trailers with jet skis on the freeway.

The trailers had license plates with 2 letters and 2 digits, meaning that there are special licence plates for trailers.

Moreover, there was plenty of police on the freeway, so if illegal, I think they would have been flagged down sooner or later.

Therefore, trailers must be legal.

[quote=“omerojs”]I know there are older posts about this but i wanted to make a new one just to keep the information fresh !!!

Whats THE WORD from the MOD-MEN on that?

Seems likely to lead to redundant data dispersion to me.

This was answered ages ago by Redwagon, who has been wrong, but not often. I doubt its changed.

IIRC they are (a) legal if licensed, and they can be (b) the cops don’t give a shit anyway.