Carlos Maza and the VoxAdpocalypse


they ask for money to write this trash.


What’s wrong with smashing the wellness matriarchy? Honest question.

Not exactly sure, but what’s special about Tuscan kale? I mean, Tuscan?! Kale’s grown where the sun goes down at like 4pm in November.

Tuscan is to kale as Corinthian is to leather. :sunglasses:

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What is Kale ? Asking for a friend . :joy:

Kale is what you eat when it’s too cold or too high up to grow tomatoes.

I think maybe Hamburg and points north have a Kale Festival in mid-Jan every year.

I’ve been to Hamburg many times ( German one) I have seen many wunderbar sights … mainly unmentionable ones … oh and beer :beer:, but never this Kale you mention :wink:I thought it was a Hollywood celebrity child’s name :yum:

Don’t give them any ideas…there are enough messed up in the head Hollywood kids already!

You have to be seriously out of touch as to equate privilege with whiteness.

Only Asian privileged can give the resources to buy endangered tiger penis and North Korean gingseng for vitality. Tuscan kale is for white peasants. Get on that 土豪 level white people.

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now also on CNN! Brave & stunning


College Dropout!!! Stay in school kids, you’ll not have to resort to looking for other avenues of information.

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I could say so many things, but I will just let you watch and enjoy.

What in the actual fnck was that? How the fnck do you blame a **multi-media **platform for your weak mindedness? Some in that country are really living up to their Yank moniker, if you believe what certain ‘news’ providers are highlighting.

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No no no…they only blame only a SPECIFIC part of the content on that media platform.

If you watch people wearing a black mask beating their political opponents with baseball bats it’s ok as long as they refer to themselves as antifa. If you watch videos of people explaining to you that some women have a penis that’s ok. If you watch people streaming from their McBook Pros while sipping on Soy Lattes and discussing how to resist the capitalistic patriarchy that’s ok.


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If that lady ever said “good for you” like that to me, I would definitely be veering towards violence.


So, now Ray Bradbury is prescient?


People often say that Orwell nailed it with 1984, but Brave New World and Farenheit 451 are hitting really close to home these days.

And let’s not mention the Camp of the Saints.

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The U.S. needs to criminalize wacky tobacky and legalize nose candy. The 80s were good for the country.

The funny thing about this story (if this is the same kid that was featured in the NY Times piece) is that he was NOT radicalized. He says in the article that although he watched videos from “far right” and “alt-right” sources, he never really identified with them. He was never a racist. The farthest he went was identifying as a “trad-con” or traditional conservative. THE HORROR!! He identified as a traditional conservative!! THAT’S RADICAL!!