This doesn’t really fit the ‘what to do with strays’ section, so here I go.
I let myself get talked into taking a kitten from an animal hospital a few months ago. We’re getting along famously, and I now get to wake up every morning to the sight of industrious bottom licking, so I need some advice about how to proceed. (Never been a father before.)
Most importantly, she was delivered in fairly good condition - just the eye-goo thing that has since gone away - but I have no idea what medication or treatment she has had otherwise. I don’t know what she needs either. Heeeelp!
I think she’s close to six months old now. When is a good time to get her tubes tied, or whatever it is they do? Are there any side effects?
Somebody suggested de-clawing but I’m not happy about that idea. What are the pros and cons?
Next, we need to get out more. She’s terrified of the great outdoors and usually hides in my bag trembling when I take her shopping. (I stroke her at the same time to reassure her. Am I creating a ‘daddys girl’?) In a perfect world she would get over this and learn to walk on a leash - I’ve seen it done but she’s pretty resistant to the idea right now. Suggestions?
The next step will be to introduce her to motorbike trips. I’m presuming that the best way will be to put her in a bag and have someone hold her while I drive until she gets used to it. Does anyone have any experience of this?
The reason for this is that I’m planning to buy a boat and sail away in a year or two. I’ve known people keep cats on boats very successfully, but they need to grow up with the idea - so I need to get her out to the coast every weekend, which means the big noisy machine.
Any and all advice much appreciated.
Oh, and she doesn’t have a name yet. This doesn’t seem to bother her very much, but everyone I know tells me I’m doing wrong. How did cats get along before people came along and started pretending that they were people?