Cat of the day (2020 edition)


Easier to secure citizenship as a cat than as an expat…


Like Japan, where they gave that seal citizenship… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



I’d like to see how he got there in the first place.

Maybe from the lowest pot holder, or the owner intently put him there for a show…well, I want to know too.:thinking:

Hey you there Hooman!

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Oh oh owner put it there…LOL. Putting a cat anywhere entails a lot of tuna. Staying there…a meal.

For a moment this is what I pictured:



It could be. Poor cat🐈

Poor players once he turns around and unleashes his revenge.



You know chickens are just little T Rex that just happens to be so delicious…


Our neighbors lovely kitty was found dead today. Most unlucky to be such a free spirit in an urban area where so many dangers collide. In the past, he had been run over by a car, attacked by a dog, poisoned, etc.Each time yours truly, one of the other aixin mamas or his owners would rush to the vet to try to save his life. Alas, this time we were too late.

Please do not let kitties run outside.


Don’t get this one

I think the photo is from before he died.

Otherwise, the question is whodunnit: the peppers or the onions? :male_detective: :mag_right:

Sad when’s pet dies
Our beloved whopper died 4.28 by lethal injection
He was starting to suffer badly
Got his ashes back yesterday
Think only a portion
Came sealed in a nice box for 160 dollars

Thought we would get a
Box and we wanted
To spread his ashes in his favorite hotel in Carmel if they would let us spread It In the duck
Pond at the Quail lodge
And then we would visit him now and then
As it is we will keep his box with his ashes sealed
Inside and probably take the box with us when we go to that hotel next
Whopper loved the upstairs
There over looking the duck pond

Good times …image

He left his mommy and daddy nursing a broken heart :pouting_cat:


Picture was taken a couple of days before kitty´s demise. Look how healthy and happy he was. Sigh. :cry:

Since he was a rescue, they burned his body for free. But the owner did not get the ashes, they were spread in the mountains.

160 is cheap, I spend usually around 10k in funeral here, with Christian ceremony, burial under a cherry tree, etc.

No matter what, it hurts like hell. I miss Toto, Icon, my twin tuxedo boys…

Poor kitty what happened ?
Whopper at least loved to be almost 14 and died of a stomach tumor that was nonoperable
Well we need to get
Back to cat funnies soon

This vet was a bit cheaper than some
60 for doc visit and 100 for Euthanasia fancy name for lethal injection

And if you want ashes back another 160

I was happy to let them spread whoppers ashes in the hills of Sacramento
The two cats I brought over from
Taiwan both were cremated and ashes spread
In foothills of Napa

I figured I can make better use of 160 but Tammy wanted whoppers ashes back

Actually I would’ve preferred to donate his body so they can study about the tumor that he has

So future cats can be helped

Ps sorry bout your tuxedo twins

We got a
Tuxedo cat now
Had him for 8 months

Ollie tollie
Is the name

American domestic shorthair moggy