Cat of the Day 2023

Hello wild cats, goodbye prey species

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Proof that paper tigers are dangerous after all – they can eat you alive! :scream_cat:

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What is that on the left, exactly?

Good question. Is it allergies?

I guessed it was cat claw scratches.

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Looks more like a welt. The ones you get after sleeping on chenille bedspread. Or touching something you are allergic to.

Looks kinda like a…

They are actually native to the area, so this is another successful re-wilding project. Eurasian beaver’s reintroduction to southern England (Devon, etc.) has been very successful.

not sure about when or if they will get wolves and bison back…

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I heard stories of people finding kittens in the mountains here, and then bring it to a vet for a checkup, and then the vet tells them they are one of those rare mountain leopard/cat/whatever thing and so can’t be kept as pet…

I’ve been interested in rewilding projects for quite some time and I’m pleased to see there is some serious discussion about reintroducing the Eurasian lynx to northern Scotland.

Which would be good as there is a deer overpopulation issue in Scotland There are concerns from sheep farmers about receiving adequate compensation for lost lambs, but nothing that has not been solved in Switzerland which has similar farming practices for sheep and similar hilly terrain.

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I get it, I was just joking about the fact that cats are murderous little guys that kill for sport

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Wait deers eat lamb? I thought deers are herbivores.

The cats, dude



For a second I thought that E.T. was behind it!