Cat of the day

Ah! the expression on the cat’s face is great. Is he scared? Confused? Jealous? Not amused? or all at once?

Friday… cold weather…

I think he’s waiting for something he actually gives a @$#* about.

The cat of not only this day, but all the days.

that cat should totally be creeped out…

It is really hard not to post a Yusuf Islam pic in this thread.

like this?

Sir, do you know you are a cat?

not a photo, but a swimming cat who helped an autistic girl


In my experience, cats tend to bring you only half a mouse.

I had the lazy ones who brought whole live mice… Snakes, birds, parts of birds… that we had in te ol country. Current lazy ones do not give gifts other than hairballs… They do, however, like to steal stuff from me, from food to my purse and its contents. Clean socks are their preferred prey.