Catholic/Christian schools

I don’t know about this school specifically but from the little experience I have I’d say the pay will probably be close to identical as public schools. I’d be very hesitant to work at any Catholic school. Nothing wrong with Christian values but they tend to breed a toxic work environment because these values are not followed (yes I know I am stereotyping). I’d just interview and see how it goes.

But the Tsai Hsing School is not Catholic. From what I read there are statues of Christ and the Virgin Mary on the campus but it’s not a Catholic school.
How would you suspect that there would be a toxic work environment at some private schools?

I’d assume that there is still a Catholic undertone if there are statues and crosses on the campus but who knows really. I know it’s not fair to label schools affiliated in anyway with Catholicism as being anything but a decent school but it’s my bias that they have problems.
I meant that catholic schools tend to make toxic work environments cause they do not follow Christian values that they preach. I did not mean that statement to say private schools in general, just catholic ones. Again, this is a totally unfair statement, but my mind strays away from any Christian school cause of my bias.

Can you expand on this? Mostly what I’m getting is your unfair statements and bias :slight_smile: Or is there anything more concrete you could add?

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No nothing concrete to back this up other than that is what I’ve seen in my home country which I suspect trails over into Taiwan.
As I stated in my last reply, my statements are quite unfair and are coming from my own personal bias.

I spend a few years of my life in Christian Schools. I can tell you for sure that there is a lot of hypocrisy in these school environments. Whatever you see in the Catholic schools, you will also see the same faults in other Christian schools, be they Baptist, Lutheran, or Seventh-Day Adventist etc.