Caught someone 'kidnapping' our cat

This is horrible! You mentioned a he has a pack, so he must be known to the police I guess? I mean it is hard to go unnoticed if you have a pack of dogs. I wonder what the laws are about this here. Killing stray animals willingly.

That is the problem: one has to prove evil intent. “It is just strays”, cops say. But at least two neighbors´cats were killed in this horrible fashion.

Police says they cannot identify him from the tapes. There are no witnesses, they say. the law states a stupid fine.

Remember the PhD guys in Taida killing strays also “to release their stress”?

Cats stay in and under close supervision.

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How old do they act when they’re 35?

That’s when they start regressing.


By the time they’re 45 they’re back down to six year old level. Basically Taiwan is just one big kindergarten, some of us are kids and some of us are teachers. Especially in terms of pet ownership.

I’m leaning more towards the 3 miscreants being just dumb-asses. But still, there’s the mystery of the collar. Cat never ever ever bothers about the collar at home. Yet 3 times in the last year, she’s come home without it. So someone (same person?) keeps on removing it. She’s very good at escaping from places - almost like people are taking her, then she gets out and returns home.

The cat huo-guo held some initial fascination for me, but I’ve got to discount that.

@icon, I hear what you say 'bout cats being outside. But Hualien is just a different kettle of fish to Taipei. And this cat was semi-feral when we got her, she’d be a miserable indoor puss.

Agree with everyone else, it’s likely misguided do-gooders. Hope you told them if you saw them again on your property you’d call the cops.

Better yet get a cheap camera set up to record your property in case they come back.

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I’ve seen a group of girls having a cat funeral in the middle of the street. They were blocking traffic, lighting candels, singing songs and bawling their eyes out because they accidentally ran over some stray cat.

I’ve also seen a group of boys kicking the shit out of a stray dog.

In my anecdotal experience, Taiwanese absolutely LOVE animals or they absolutely HATE animals. Being indifferent is less common IMV.

Nearly every Taiwanese person I have meet has their heart in the right place and doesn’t intentionally try to do any harm, but something they just do dumbass shit. It rarely comes from a malicious or negative place though.


The camera is a good plan. The world is awash with dumbasses, and sooner or later you’ll get one on your property up to no good. I have cameras in the Philippines because of the unfortunate national habit of stealing anything that’s not nailed down. There are also fake cameras that can discourage amateurs and halfwits.


Exception : many old men
I’ve seen many an old man just randomly kick a street dog as they walk by , or chase it with a stick.
Young people never. They just drop the dog they don’t want in the mountains.

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probably the dumbass option. back home some family did it to my family dog. probably thought he was cute and wanted to take him home, so they did. the problem is when he was ‘lost’ he was actually just out on his walk and went off by himself, which is a bit annoying but not the end of the world as our house is a couple of minutes from the woods and he knows the way back himself.

Yeah but nah but. Many Taiwanese buy dogs and then dump them on their balconies after 2 months where they bark all day. To Taiwanese this is a good thing because the barking makes them feel safer. Only a retard would buy a dog and then confine it to a balcony (oftentimes in a cage or chained up) for the duration of its natural life.


That’s a horrible life for a dog.
I live near the countryside and I often see mid to large sized dogs confined in a cage designed for a cat in size. Really sad

I don’t believe that cats should wander outside unsupervised. It is increasingly common knowledge that we shouldn’t let dogs out unsupervised, why the heck would we let cats out there?

Chances are cats aren’t native to the place you live, and letting them roam outside unsupervised isn’t safe for the indigenous species or your cat.

If anything, you should put a collar on your cat so that people out there trying to help strays and feral cats could tell the cat has a home.

One weird phenomenon I observed in New Zealand is that every New Zealanders would tell me how proud they are of their indigenous birds, and they want to see a rebound in bird population, but plenty of them still install cat doors and let their cats roam whenever they want. Granted, it’s much safer for the cat to roam in New Zealand compared to Taiwan, but then they are out there praying on the native birds…

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Unfortunately I know of some cases like this. I have been trying to change their mindset but it’s really hard.

Part of this issue is that our cat’s collar keeps on being removed. By something, or someone. With that collar, it’s absolutely clear she has a home.

The birds should learn to stay in trees (evolution). I don’t think there are any local ratites to worry about.

But cats who have a safe indoor space and food have an unfair advantage.

Tell that to the kiwi birds and penguins.

By the way, cats are totally capable of catching birds on trees or taking flight.

I live around a lot of factories and see this constantly.

There’s this piece of land that is about to be developed near where I live. They have cleared all the trees and were about to start digging the foundation a few days ago, so they had all the equipment set up and ready to go. I noticed 4 or 5 cages randomly placed around the property with dogs stuff inside them, I guess it’s to guard the equipment…?.??

The dogs sit in these cages 24h a day all by themselves in the hot sun. At night I sneak down and give them food and water though the cages, but the other day some security dickhead gave me shit and called the cops. I have called multiple government agencies to ask why it’s okay to leave dogs locked in cages without food or water while they sit directly in the sun, but everyone says they will look into it and nothing ever seems to happen.

They are basically finished digging so they will probably get rid of the dogs soon (idk where 2). I’m extremely tempted to put on all black and sneak down at night to smash those cages open, freeing the dogs and giving that security guard a good scare. Somebody has to pay… plus it will make a good k-man article.:hushed:


This is becoming quite a big issue in Kiwiland, pitting neighbor against neighbor. Roaming cats have caused havoc on bird populations across NZ.