CCTV9 ... what about Taiwan?

I wonder why China can keep up an international English TV Channel and Taiwan has the greatest problems airing a 30 min. english news report …

Because it behooves China to broadcast a steady stream of propaganda.

It would greatly "behoove"Taiwan to toot its horn in English also.

If a horn is tooted in the forest and no one gives a shit about it, does it make a sound?

China has the eyes of the world on it, now more than ever. Even if Taiwan had a TV station broadcasting “We’re Not Thailand” 24/7, i doubt it would make a difference.

Because no one watches the half hour show anyways.

Just goes to show you dont watch it then it has plenty of good content programming.

Aljazeera English is probably the best news channel out there right now though.

However if you want good news reporting on Taiwan you could get Phoenix News from HK. It’s pretty good… oops forgot not in English though… Channel News Asia is in English

I never said propaganda couldn’t be good watchin’. Just look at Leni Riefenstahl, Michael Moore, the Int’l Politics forum…

Hell, I love propaganda!

It’s now down to 15 minutes, from 11:45 to midnight on channel 53. :unamused: Who’s gonna watch it at that time? :loco: I remember it used to be an hour long from 11:00 to midnight.

It’s now down to 15 minutes, from 11:45 to midnight on channel 53. :unamused: Who’s gonna watch it at that time? :loco: I remember it used to be an hour long from 11:00 to midnight.[/quote]

I would gladly watch the English news here in Taiwan IF IT CAN BE ON AIR AT A DECENT TIME!! Like 8 or 9. :fume:

Just goes to show you dont watch it then it has plenty of good content programming.

Aljazeera English is probably the best news channel out there right now though.

However if you want good news reporting on Taiwan you could get Phoenix News from HK. It’s pretty good… oops forgot not in English though… Channel News Asia is in English[/quote]

Come on mate, I thought you had better taste than CCTV9 :laughing: It was one of the worst channels on UK digital satellite, and given the 300 booby-teaser stations and psychic text-ins, that’s saying something.

PCNE used to have some good stuff but they were getting gradually worse until an all-time low at the point when I left the UK. They used to run a pretty funny Taiwanese cooking show along with some good documentaries and then it all turned into badly dubbed Korean soaps, STUDIO CLASSROOM (sweet jesus) and Li fucking Ao.

I’m not talking about good or bad, I’m talking about Taiwan having nothing to inform foreigners, bring news etc. locally and globally in English … and sure I’m not talking about UK satellite, I’m talking Taiwan … terrestrial, internet or satellite

Does this mean a good chance to start a business?

If it is promising, I would invest on it. :slight_smile:

CCTV 9 has improved a lot in the past 18 months. Of course in the UK there is not a lot of interest in Asian affairs anyways.

CCTV 9 has improved a lot in the past 18 months. Of course in the UK there is not a lot of interest in Asian affairs anyways.[/quote]

I agree, CCTV 9 had several interesting programs that I used to enjoy watching when I lived in India.

Could you imagine Taiwan news in English

Slice of life segment
-A lunchbox flies in the Parliment
-Binglang girls saves stray dog
-Another plastic surgery story

-Someone is getting sued…agian
-PRC hates us…again
-Another Allie drops ROC for the PRC.

I’m sorry but I think it is best to keep this stuff away from the world to improve Taiwan’s image.

I wasn’t joking about business in my previous post.
I work part-time for a broadcast company and I am responsible for several radio programs for forein labours. There are four progames respectively in four languages: Indonesian, Philippine, Vietnamese. Those progames provide people from those countries with news happened in Taiwan, Taiwanese labour regulation and relavent announcement, and sometimes the audiences can call in to express their ideas or feelings or chat with hosts or their friends in Taiwan. Those programs are sponsored by Council of Labour Affairs which means they are commerical-free.

But lately the hosts of those programs have been confronting a difficult situation that CLA cut down the sponsor budget. Those hosts now are asked to seek bussiness commerical to support those programs; otherwise those programs would be canceled. Those audiences became marketing targets and those hosts became salemen who need to sell their programs. I had a dicussion with those hosts and they all said it is very difficult to find some companies that would buy the commercial time. They haven’t figure out what their audiences would need and what kind of companies they should turn to. They are hoping CLA would readjust the budget.

Buying TV commercial time is much expensive than buying radio commercial time. If I would like to be a producer of a TV English news program, I should first figure out what my market is, how I target them and what kind of companies would advertise their products in the commercial time.
A TV station won’t produce a program that gain no profit. I haven’t seen any product that solely target at the of foreingers in Taiwan so I wonder if the market is big enough to have advertisements on TV. It is a chance to develop a business, right?

m…it is about time to go to ER.

[quote=“kate.lin”] A TV station won’t produce a program that gain no profit. I haven’t seen any product that solely target at the of foreingers in Taiwan so I wonder if the market is big enough to have advertisements on TV. It is a chance to develop a business, right?

m…it is about time to go to ER.[/quote]

No your target audience of the few foreigners living in Taiwan would not make it ecenomically feasable to run an English program of any length. 30 Minutes of English TV time? And what time slot would you put it in?

Australia Network, CCTV9, Cpsan, BBC World, DW, France24 English, and other English news programs targeted at the English speaking world are state funded. Aljazeera had huge private investment which has enabled it to take many top presenters from the BCC and CNN such as David Frost, Rhiz Khan, and Veronica Pedrosa.

Any serious attemp to run decent English news covering local events needs serious money. It will be a loss making operation.

you know i’ve always wondered why taiwan doesnt have an english news channel. there’s plenty of people around the world interested in taiwanese/chinese/asian news who dont understand chinese who would watch such a channel. taiwanese media and citizens as a whole need to stop thinking so localized and look beyond their borders because there’s a whole world out there. and taiwan, being a democratic country with one of the freest medias in asia, have a big advantage over china, singapore, and hong kong in broadcasting programs to the world. they need to take advantage of that.