Changing jobs - 2 quick Qs

I’m changing jobs. Someone in the new company is helping me with the paperwork, but I wanted to double check a couple of things, for peace of mind.

Firstly, do I need to get the re-entry permit in my passport updated with the expiry date of the new work permit? Unusually, the new work permit expires before the old one would have done, because I’ve only completed one year out of three on the old one.

And if I do need to get this done, then is that still at BOCA/MOFA, as the info on Tealit would seem to suggest?

Secondly, will I need to show the Immigration Agency a release letter from the old employer, in order to get my ARC updated/new ARC? I know that for a number of years release letters haven’t been needed, but I’ve heard that the Immigration Agency have started requiring them.

Thanks for any tips.

Usually your re-entry permit will expire at the same time as your ARC. If you amend your ARC with the new work permit, that will not change the expiry date. However, if you leave your first employer then your first work permit will be canceled and they could have you come back at that time to adjust the ARC to expire at the end of your new work permit.

You are not getting a new resident visa, so you don’t need anything from MOFA BOCA.

Usually your re-entry permit will expire at the same time as your ARC. If you amend your ARC with the new work permit, that will not change the expiry date. However, if you leave your first employer then your first work permit will be canceled and they could have you come back at that time to adjust the ARC to expire at the end of your new work permit.

You are not getting a new resident visa, so you don’t need anything from MOFA BOCA.[/quote]Thanks very much, jlick. So, just to get this absolutely clear, you don’t think they’ll mind that I’m walking about with a re-entry permit that expires nearly a year after my ARC and work permit do?

Can anyone shed light on the “release letter” thing? Anyone changed jobs recently in Taipei City? Did the Immigration Agency require a release letter from the old job before amending the ARC with the details of the new one?

No, what I’m saying is that just getting a new work permit won’t change the expiration date of either your ARC or Re-Entry Permit. It’s only once your original work permit is canceled that you may be required to go back to NIA to get both adjusted.

i’ve changed my work recently.
my case was very similar to joesax. My old reentry permit haven’t expired at that date. I had 2 years. When i changed my work i’ve done next:

  1. agreed everything with my new company and prepare every documents to be ready to submit everything to Bureau of Labour Affair (if i remember this name right).
  2. canceled my contract with old company and got contract termination letter from them at the same day (this is important document if you want change company!)
  3. at the next day i submitted new contract to that Bureau of Labour Affair with every paper they need together with termination letter.
  4. Waited for 7 working days to get new work permit
  5. went to police to change my ARC.

since in my re-entry permit i had almost 2 years to go and new contract is longer than 2 years, they just changed my ARC to put new company name on it.

that’s all.
I hadn’t deal with Ministry of Foreigner Affair at all. Girl from my new company called MOFA about this issue. They said i just have to go to police. Nothing to do with MOFA.
With new ARC i already left and came back to Taiwan with no problem.

P.S: sorry for my english :wink: