Changing Jobs

Looking for just a little help here. My employer is trying to cut hours and make me work Saturdays instead which is essentially breaking the contract that I had signed with them some six or seven months ago…and not giving me any reasons for why they are changing my schedule and reducing my salary.

In light of this and many other small grievances I’m really not interested in working for this school anymore.

Can I cancel my ARC with them take a trip to HongKong and back and start over with another school? Or does my current employer have the ability to hold my ARC or blacklist me for any reason?

Most Taiwanese bosses don’t like to fire people, they just cut their salary and give them nothing to do. Eventually you’ll quit if not for the money then for the mounting scorn and indignation from your coworkers who are all privy to your plight and have next to no compassion thanks to the propaganda machine of upper management.

Don’t know about the ARC and blacklists. I heard they will just cancel the ARC you have and your next employer will have to assist you to get a new one.

Jeff Geer offered these comments: Go call a new employer ASAP with your questions.