Charlottesville protests


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Serbian and Croatian are much more different than American and British. Even something so fundamental as word order seems somewhat inverted from each other. Serbian seems more simplistic and twice as easy to learn than Croatian. I don’t have access to Slovenian material to learn from.

When interest rates are ultra low for 15 years, we haven’t seen what capitalism is capable of doing for 20 years. Bubbles are not capitalism, and this has been going on since late 90s actually. They distort the market. Even so, we still more capitalist than Germany. If we keep edging up interest rates to 5%, then we can start seeing what is more normal capitalism.

You understand you are speaking to someone who grew up speaking this language, right?
Who do you think is in a better position to talk about how the language works, you or me?

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You have absolutely no idea how the real world works, do you? I have tried to help, but you are not getting it. You are in for a very, very, very rude awakening.

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Well it may not be all about sacrificing animals, bathing in blood, but it must surely still be about that, isn’t it? They haven’t struck it out completely, have they? My apologies for saying so, but as despicable as I think of neonazis I rather think that Satanism is much worse than neonazis. Every demonic/satanic philosophy and deed done against mankind surely must have its origin in Satan, even if not perpetrated by the specific group “Satanism,” who only purport to worship such a one.

What? How’d we start talking about “satanism”? “Satanism” is a joke, and even discussing it reminds me of the Satanic Panic of the 80s when parents were up in arms about Judas Priest lyrics containing messages, and so-called “Satanists” were fighting with Southern baptists on sensational talk-shows like ‘Geraldo’. How many people have Satanists killed? If it’s not 10 million they’re not as bad as Nazis. I’d be surprised if they’ve killed 10.

No, there are not many Americans like that. What you’re talking about is such a small amount, there are more gay population in our country than nazis and the like. It’s perhaps more like the same population as transgenders in the country. They aren’t changing election dynamics or influencing anything in America, except when the media make them bigger than they are.

First, “satanists.” Now this dude is bringing gays and transgenders into the discussion for some reason. This will end well.

Everyone but Trump!

The confederate flag is a symbol of cultural pride in the South. I’m not one of these, but in the Army, I had a roommate from South Carolina. He was young, dumb, and he displayed a huge flag on our wall; he was not a white supremacist or anything like that, but he was proud of being Southerner and everyone knew it and everyone accepted him.

We had an inspection once, my roommate was absent, and the sergeant asked me about the flag and said he was offended by it. I told him that my roommate has black friends who had been in our room and were not offended, and I vouched for my roommate that he has pride in his regional Southerness and detests slavery and racism as any geniune American.

So yes, I do think there are honest people who could protest the taking down of General Lee. He was a historical figure, he needed to lose, but it is educational, and I think removal of such statues should be a local matter and not national.


The problem as I see it, with you and others like you, is that if an article agrees with the pundit, then it is truthful and trustworthy. If it questions the pundit, it is bad and fake news. I view Trump as an adult views another, you and those like you view Trump like a child views his mommy. That said…

Where is the proof that immigration helps democrats, or the left? Immigrants cannot vote until they obtain a green card, and then it is only local elections not federal. That has to wait for citizenship.

How many 9/11 hijackers came from Iran? How many 9/11 hijackers came from Pakistan? Iraq? Oddly, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are exempt. Hmmm…

A babe in the woods. Its about greed, son. Greed is good. Its about eliminating competition through any and all means necessary. Even Paul “I have wet dreams about Ayn Rand” Ryan promotes that. How many kickbacks to you think Wisconsin politicos took from Foxconn to allow them to charge the citizens of Wisconsin for the chance to work for them? That is, I keep telling you, capitalism in its rawest, truest form. And bosses do not work within the framework of laws (government, to you). They work above it, or below it, or to the side of it.
Here, this clip from an old movie might help you. You are the professor, I am the realist.

If its not the government, it will be someone else, aka a boss. Even in de facto capitalist China. The gangs get paid first, then the party people. Everyone gets a slice. Democrat, republican. It does not matter.

Seriously, are you trolling me now?

I’m just learning the language and that’s what I’ve observed, if your observation is different, you can tell me in what way and enlighten me. I’m not challenging you, but surely you can admit there is some difference, or they wouldn’t bother to call them by different names. They call American English, they call British English, but do they call Serbian Croatian?

American and British English are different. They have different spelling and grammar conventions, and different vocabularies. Yet, they are more or less mutually intelligible. Same with SC&B.
In Tito’s time it was called Serbocroatian and it was the defacto language of all YU, if they liked it or not. If you know one, you will understand the other.
They are called their own languages now, and indeed they have tried to pry them apart. But, 25 years on, if you can speak one you can be understood in Zagreb, Sarajevo, or Beograd. possibly even Ljubljana. If not, the other person is just being an asshole.


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You aren’t viewing him as a mere adult would; were you at the rallies, did you hear his rhetoric first-hand? You made an erroneous claim and then you quoted the BBC as your source, which makes the same error. The BBC knowingly knows what they are doing to change perceptions. I’m not sure if you just naively believe what leftist media spout out to you in childlike faith, or if you know the truth but deliberately distort it like the leftists. Either way, it wouldn’t reflect positively on your character.

Where is the proof that immigration helps democrats, or the left? Immigrants cannot vote until they obtain a green card, and then it is only local elections not federal. That has to wait for citizenship.

Oh come on, you’re talking about legal voting. Everyone knows that’s not what this issue’s about. In Democrat states, they don’t require ID, its easy to slip through the cracks, and they want Democrat illegal voters to slip through the cracks. That’s how Clinton won the popular vote without the election vote, because of what happened in California. No other state would have rendered the situation so.

This isn’t just about 9/11. We’re talking about individuals who are inspired by ISIS to violence in public places. Besides, 9/11 was avoidable. The CIA knew about them, but the FBI didn’t. The CIA was unable to report to the FBI because of the wall of separation that Clinton set up between the agencies for politics’ sake. After 911, the first thing Bush did was to tear down that wall of communication.

A babe in the woods. Its about greed, son. Greed is good. Its about eliminating competition through any and all means necessary. Even Paul “I have wet dreams about Ayn Rand” Ryan promotes that. How many kickbacks to you think Wisconsin politicos took from Foxconn to allow them to charge the citizens of Wisconsin for the chance to work for them? That is, I keep telling you, capitalism in its rawest, truest form. And bosses do not work within the framework of laws (government, to you). They work above it, or below it, or to the side of it.
Here, this clip from an old movie might help you. You are the professor, I am the realist.

What do you mean by laws? Regulations? When laws make it difficult to run a business, such as zoning laws and the like, yes, they do try to get around them, understandably.

The movie clip shows a professor who seems more Keynesian, concerned about math, facts, and figures. Economics isn’t about that because its about people, and you can’t predict and reduce them to robots and numbers. And the guy sitting in the back seems more like an entrepreneur, which is someone who has a genius or knack for knowing how to do business that most people don’t have.

We are in a bubble for 15 years, and everything gets distorted, and its harder for businesses to do honest business without government help in these times. As I’ve said before, this is not normal what you’ve been seeing. This is why I want interest rates back to 5%, because then businesses can make money, the country can make money, capital increases. When capital is hard to get by such as times like these, yes, there will be much cheating and begging for government assistance by those businesses in order to get anywhere. I’m not naive about that. I hate that it is hard to make money or save or keep money by honest means. During Obama’s time interest rates were never raised. They’ve only been raised this December, March, and June, hopefully this will continue, because its not enough.

I knew you would say that.

Hasn’t the idea of voter fraud be repudiated already?

And I will wait for the liberal media bias comment.

He did not do no such thing until AFTER the attacks with the civil liberties attacking Patriot Act. Sandy Berger gave Rice all the intel he had. All available agencies had the intel and tried to warn the president, but he did not listen and his cabinet did not listen. They were more interested in helping Enron choke California by artificially controlling the flow of electricity (capitalism!) If you want a primary source, you can read the 9/11 commission final report.

You contradicted yourself.

Again, your near psychotic obsession with all things Obama is borderline. I would seek help on that. Forget interest rates, forget Obama, forget regulations. Close the textbook and just step aside from that, because in the real world, that shit is meaningless. Government is just another term for boss.

If you do not have government, then you have bosses to deal with. Machine bosses, underworld bosses. These are extra-governmental (meaning “outside of government regulation”), hmmm, organizations that really control things. They can make things smooth for you, or rough for you, depending on how you play with them. Its all about connections. From the inspectors (taxpayers) to the delivery guy (bosses). Everyone is taken with corruption. Even 45. Why do really think Saudi is not on the travel ban? Because they are nice and love Israel? Egypt avoided the list. Why? Maybe a Trump hotel in Sharm el Sheikh? (if you think 45 has the US best interests in mind, guess again.)

If you own a business and piss the wrong people off, they will use their connections to squeeze you out. If they cannot use regulatory, then they will go other ways. Maybe use connections to lean on the bank to stop your flow of cash for payroll and payments. Your creditors and employees will not be pleased. But, it goes both ways. Corporations have a way of manipulating the democratic process. I am all for same sex marriage. Hell, I am for same family marriage if it makes you happy. Many people are not, for whatever reasons they have. Well, companies like Walmart and organizations like the NBA and NCAA feel the winds of change and know that states that actively put restrictions on same sex couples and the LGBTQ community as a whole, is bad for business. So, they lean and threaten on state populations to do the right thing.

Maybe finance is your thing. Think you can go toe-to-toe with JP Morgan? Citigroup? BoA, Amex? Wanna try ForEx? Regulations in place to help even the field are largely unenforceable since the SEC and FTC have had their wings clipped under B43.

Believing whatever nonsense you learned in school, or having faith in some whimsical theory and thinking that will be the savior of humanity, is the same as believing bloodletting cures cancer. People in the real world no better.

As a white American who voted for Trump (and didn’t vote for Obama), I don’t buy this narrative at all. It’s understandable that you, as an outsider, would though. If you try to understand what’s going on in the U.S. by reading the news, you’re bound to come away with a distorted view. Virtually all reporting in the U.S. comes with an ideological bias, and the majority of the mainstream media have a progressive bias.

The reality on the ground is that racism in the U.S. is on a long-term decline, especially among the younger generations. The fact that Obama won two terms is pretty clear evidence of that. In fact, Obama increased the Democrats’ share of the white vote. Your assertion that having a black president was “beyond the pale” for many white Americans is, frankly, insulting. As is the implication that your average white voter couldn’t see beyond his skin color and assess him in terms of things that actually matter, like his policies and party affiliation.

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Oh, is that what The Piper is about? :astonished: All these years I thought it was just a political allegory! :doh:

Sub Luna saltamus indeed! :dancer: :full_moon: :man_dancing: :smiling_imp: