Charlottesville protests

Yes, it does have something to do with your demand.
Holding up Nazi symbols and giving nazis room to express them selves is a celebration of the above suggested.

Every time they walk the streets and express themselves, they celebrate sticking x-million people into the oven, not only Jews by the way.

You should mature and make no mistake who is the criminal here.
It’s the Nazis like Trump, Bennon and CO.

If Trump is a Nazi, then why are his Jewish daughter and son-in-law still alive? It’s silliness like this that dilutes the term Nazi to the point where it no longer has any meaning.


Like calling it free speech when propagating it?

Hey, disgusting and Silly Billy back to all you guys trying put this into a relative.
Hitler had Jews in his family line.
Why didn’t he gas himself?

Right here you expose the slippery slope you are on. Freedom of speech means freedom for others to speak on subjects you hate. Indeed I’m sure there are people that hate what I say and people who hate what you say. The Nazi sympathizers who turned up at the rally were in the hundreds, not exactly a massive number in a country of 300 million their ideology indefensible to be ridiculed challenged and made to feel embarrassed for believing in such bigoted ideology.

However, normalizing the idea that groups like Antifa are justified in turning up with bricks, piss and shit, spraying people in the face with acid, because what the other group has to say is so disgusting that it must be stopped, even by violence, because as we all know Nazi’s are the most disgusting human beings on earth, is not ok.

Because what happens next is people stretch what a Nazi actually is, like you just did, calling Trump a Nazi and Banon a Nazi, perhaps all Trump supporters are Nazi’s and deserve a brick to the head? Anyone whose a Republican is a Nazi or anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a Nazi, “lets get 'em”, anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi.

Violence needs to be denounced in the strongest possible terms, it is never an acceptable alternative to debate and beating your opponents in an intellectual exchange of ideas.


Never said, let’s get them.

Let’s outlaw them! All they did and stand for, is a huge crime. There is absolutely no room for discussion. KKK? Why are they aloud to express themselves the way they do? You call this free speech?

I still want to stick them into the oven. I never said turning on the fire.
But stick them in there for five minutes or so.

You forgot someone…

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To be fair, Trump’s daughter is Jewish by choice. Had she been born into it, that is one thing.

To that end…

Trump is not Hitler, or a Nazi. Or Stalin. Or Mussolini. As I have said time and time again, he is Milošević.

Bobo came to power riding the wave of jingoism, populism, and nationalism. He gave his ear to the “forgotten”, the “oppressed” and 5 years later, the beast that had been created destroyed his country. To be fair, another leader of that country fell prey to the aforementioned “-isms” and his people had been actual fascists and worse than the nazis. They even retain the symbol on their flag to this day!

So, maybe I should re-evaluate and say Trump is somewhere between Bobo and Franjo.

What else are you going to outlaw? Anyone critical of Islam? Prosecute a person who draws a picture of Mohammad? Someone disagrees with the theory of identity politics or challenges the idea there are 15 different sexes instead saying there are 2?

You already called Trump and Banon Nazi’s, I doubt it is a stretch for you to include all 50 million people who voted for them and if not for you, certainly not a problem for many others.

Who for a year now turned up to Trump rallies looking to beat people up, or who turned up to a speech to be given by Milo Yiannopoulos, smashing and burning buildings and beating people so severely they even carried on when a person was unconscious on the ground.

There was another group that used to physically attack their political opponents as Antifa are doing, dressed in a uniform like Antifa and even had their own logo like Antifa. Intimidated and made the political opposition afraid as Antifa are doing. demonizing those who didn’t agree with them with the help of MSM, to the point people are afraid if they mention who they support they will lose their jobs. Can you guess who I am talking about?

Either you denounce this type of violence, or you are a part of the problem.

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Milosevic? Seriously? How many opponents has Trump had murdered? How many genocides and crimes against humanity has he been involved in? Don’t go borrowing from Hamletintaiwan’s playbook. Trust me, it’s not a good look.


Not you, but someone else defending those bastards in Yankeeland. And you felt like the important thing to point out in this thread was that… communism is as bad or even worse than fascism.

We do not know that, do we? Metaphorically, political opponents get knocked off all the time. In some instances, I am absolutely certain, it conveniently literal.

Trump is just getting started, it took Milo a good decade to get that ball rolling.

Trump had the whole “Make America Great, Again” and Slobs had “They shall never beat you!”

Trump wants a wall, and heavy restrictions on immigration and movements of specific ethnic and religious groups. Bobo removed Kosovo’s autonomous status and placed harsh restrictions on a specific ethnic group. When opponents in the press, the government, and courts got in his way, he attacked and demonized them until they were eliminated, again metaphorically and literally, until he had the deck stacked in his favor.

Sound familiar?

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I don’t know much about AntiFa or Black Lives Matter or whether they are extreme leftist groups or not, and I take your point you weren’t trying to paint the conflict as Fascists versus Stalinists

But it is a fairly standard tactic that someone holding an extremist position will start talking-up a polar-opposite extremist position, whether it exists or not, and then use that to justify their own behaviour

There seems to be some of that going on in the pubic commentary surrounding the Charlottesville incident

Common sense tells me that you wouldn’t have to be a rabid communist to join a protest against what, from the outside at least, looks like ‘The Revenge of The Rednecks’


People came carrying torches, chanting the white nationalist slogan “blood and soil”, and demanding the protection of a statue honoring a racist traitor to the country. I’m sure most of the counter-protestors were just regular college students with a strong sense of ethics, not belonging to fringe groups like “anti-fa.” Surely, Heather Heyer, the counter-protestor brutally run down by a Trump supporter employing ISIS-esque terrorist tactics, didn’t belong to anti-fa.


I find it interesting that it was only a matter of time until people started to blame and villainize “the other side.” As in it is “ok” or “pretty bad” when one side repeatedly pushes and pushes, but as soon as the other side pushes back, then its all “This madness has got to stop!”

If that drive had been from a left-identifying group…I am sure the response in the media and WH would have been less ambiguous, much like the softball game shootings.

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You have just summed up the past 18 months of US history.


So you think that it’s ok to punch Trump and Banning. Who else? People who voted for them ?


At least you know what I should be thinking after these idiots put a Nazi supporter into the office and gave him the nuclear code.
You surely can’t know what’s going on in my head, but your assumption are a product of the known.

Keep it up! Maybe you will reach a conclusion we both can agree on.

If they are using their positions to promote hatred, then yeah.

But nothing is that simple. Bannon is on record as wanting to destroy the America of the past 200+ year, and write a new constitution in his image. That seems a little un-American, so should current constitutional protections apply to him?

That said, what ever vitriol is aimed at 45 et al, pales in comparison to that inflicted towards 44. That stuff was literally, race-based. I don’t recall a sheriff promising to arrest 45 if he steps foot into his county, and using a number of epithets towards him. Keep in mind I said a sheriff, who is a publicly elected official. Not an actor or actress of dubious talent.

Who should it be ok to punch then?