Cheer me up, please

And it’s best to have one in the morning. It will uncross your eyes for the rest of the day. :shock:

I’m almost moved to post a smiley, but not quite.

During my time in the states someone who was into self-help literature kept force-feeding me all these books about how important it was to stay bright and smiley all the time. Personally I think that if you do so (at least if I do so) then you’re fooling yourself and living a lie. There are times when you really do have too much shit to deal with, and need to step back from it while your subconscious comes to terms with it.

I spent last Monday faffing pointlessly on Forumosa etc., woke up Tuesday with a plan, and have been annoyingly cheerful ever since. By and large things will stay that way … oh Earthquake! … as I don’t usually let myself be brung low by the small stuff. (Cosmically speaking, there isn’t any big stuff.)

As we’re having a ‘how can I get rich’ frenzy at Forumosa right now, and monay is all tied together with lifestyle and ‘coping’ let me add this wonderful link to a very interesting story I read recently. This guy has just confirmed what I’ve been saying for the four or five years - that good or bad shit is largely down to your interpretation of events, and that with the right mindset the world can be the shellfish of your choice.
