Chen Shui-bian Not Guilty of Money Laundering

I don’t think the issues here involve virtue so much as they do virtu. But no, virtu is not the right word, either. I guess the issues involve something even further removed from personal ethics or morals; maybe they involve a personal or party version of virtu:

[quote=“ac_dropout”]. . . the DPP are a bunch of boy scouts in comparison [i.e., to the KMT–my note (cj)].[/quote] China Post = Lying Blue Piece of Filth - #18 by ac_dropout

[quote=“ac_dropout”]I don’t know what the surprise is all about. It is pretty common knowledge the DPP don’t have the experience to pull off anything without serious set backs. Even a simple graft is fudged up.[/quote] A-bian's moneyman caught gambling in Korean casino - #13 by ac_dropout

But anyway, the KMT is going to have a judicial reform rally:

[quote]The ruling Kuomintang (KMT) has decided to include the theme of “pushing judicial reforms and fighting corruption” in a scheduled mass rally in Taipei this Sunday in Taipei.[/quote] … KMT-to.htm