When Chief was recued, he was ridden with fleas and lice, he had a tumor on one elbow, and he was severely emaciated and anemic. He simply had an easily curable tick-born blood disease, and he was being eaten alive by parasites. Since then he’s been vaccinated, neutered, and he has regained a good health. 
I work with many dogs, and out of all the dogs I have worked with, Chief is by a long shot the most awesome dog I’ve ever met.
Chief is a mature dog. We estimate that he is about five years old. Chief never jumps, he never licks, he never pulls on the leash, he never does his business in the house, he never chews anything, and he never gets overly excited. NEVER. And he’s an excellent scooter rider. It doesn’t get better than that. It just doesn’t, this dog is perfect.
If you want a great companion, I promise you that Chief will make you feel lucky that you found him. I know that anyone who takes this dog home, even for a day, will be drawn to keep him. He’s one of those…

Sounds like another Chief I know down to the wet nose. Does he swear a lot too ?
This Chief is always polite. 
Two more things about Chief:
- He has nightmares. Not often, but sometimes he wakes up with a yelp and a jolt. He looks disoriented and scared for about a second. It’s kind of funny.
2)What’s really funny is he’s afraid of cats. Yep, this dog was initially very scared of cats, and kittens. He still is, but he’s getting used to our felines now. 
Quick update on Chief.
He’s doing great, quite used to living with us now; he’s one of the lucky few who is allowed in our living quarters within our foster center. He still has frequent nightmares.(not that often) He muffles a nearly silent bark or two and his legs move as if he’s trying to run away in his sleep. Poor thing!
He weighed 13 kilos when I rescued him. He was weighed today at an astonishing 20.3 kilos. That’s more than 50% of his original weight, and he’s not even fat now. Just pleasantly plump. 
He’s still waiting for a loving home. Take him home for a week, and I promise you’ll fall in love with him. Still the best dog I’ve ever met.
[quote=“bobepine”]When Chief was recued, he was ridden with fleas and lice, he had a tumor on one elbow, and he was severely emaciated and anemic. He simply had an easily curable tick-born blood disease, and he was being eaten alive by parasites. Since then he’s been vaccinated, neutered, and he has regained a good health. 
I work with many dogs, and out of all the dogs I have worked with, Chief is by a long shot the most awesome dog I’ve ever met.
Chief is a mature dog. We estimate that he is about five years old. Chief never jumps, he never licks, he never pulls on the leash, he never does his business in the house, he never chews anything, and he never gets overly excited. NEVER. And he’s an excellent scooter rider. It doesn’t get better than that. It just doesn’t, this dog is perfect.
If you want a great companion, I promise you that Chief will make you feel lucky that you found him. I know that anyone who takes this dog home, even for a day, will be drawn to keep him. He’s one of those…
bobepine bless your kind soul-St. Francis would be proud, but…
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: I wet myself…ha ha ha ha…
If I had a yard he’d be mine…just so that I could call him The Chief…he’d be with me always and have great weekends at the beach. He’s probably got less fleas than the human Chief… God’s blessing to you Chief! Good luck on finding a home.
You know, I usually give dogs a name within 20 minutes after a rescue. Often before I even make it to the vet. I think of many names, and the first one that sounds right stays. I thought about The Chief when thinking about naming Chief, but there was no correlation. The name just really sticks for this dog.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Going to Thailand next month for a couple weeks, and some good folks are going to be fostering Chief during that time. I doubt they’ll ever bring him back… He’s that lovable.