Child Abuse News

The amount of child abuse cases reported in the local Chinese newspapers is alarming. Seems to be at least two or three nationally daily news stories.

Many of them horrendous and frequently include death.

And the penalties are not commensurate with the crime. Even if death results the parents seem to only get a few years in jail.

I was considering posting them here daily or more frequently but are ao many.

The amount of child sexual abuse cases reported also seems high.

Go ahead. Child abuse is a funny thing. People are disgusted by it yet avert their eyes and attention.

Kick a dog though and the world stops spinning. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Maybe they think “If I read more articles on child abuse it’ll happen more.”

People are funny that way.

No one is allowed to beat their kids— anywhere.

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If you read Chinese newspapers you will come across many horrendous things that never make the news on TV. I noticed that years ago.


Yes. Foreigners have no clue. Think Taiwan is so sweet. But there is a whole horrendous other part of Taiwan.


A few from today news.

  1. A Hualien couple tortured a 1-year-old girl to death 7 months ago. Their full-term baby also died yesterday with multiple bruises on his body.

  2. 1-year-old girl born by the biological mother and her ex-husband was tortured to death.

  3. man who beat up his cohabitant’s 5-year-old daughter, with injuries all over her body and a broken front tooth, was sentenced to 3 years in prison

  4. A pedophile man seduced and sexually assaulted 26 boys

  5. The father who sexually assaulted his daughter will be released from prison after 2 years

  6. Elementary school billiards coach assaulted 7 girls and sentenced to 4 years and 8 months.

And one of the most horrendous in recent history


Yeesh. Jesus. At least they’re catching these guys. Ffs

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At least they’re catching them, but 2 years in prison?

Yeah there’s a bit too much sympathy, oh we can’t not release him as he’s got another kid- kind of thing. Ugh. :weary:

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Maybe his other kid would be better off without him? Placed in a loving foster home or something?

Yea seems a bit too relaxed. These kids are basically defenseless. Really sad. :pleading_face:

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Loving? Ever been in a foster home?

Safe would be good place to start, imo.

You like to pick fights don’t you?

The idea is to find a loving foster home. Not that all foster homes are loving.

Just sharing my experience. “Loving” and “foster home” just seem to be an odd pairing— to me.

When I worked at CPS, the foster care unit was moving kids from their parents home to “safe” foster homes. I went to a few—

Ahh, I see where you get your bias. Yet, there must be at least a few genuine loving foster homes right? I think that as with all things, as long as money is involved, some people will find a way to game the system. If they are in it for the money, they are not doing it out of love. Those are the terrible foster homes. But, surely, somewhere out there, there must be at least a few where people wanted to open up their homes to children out of compassion.

The foster home system needs to do better to weed out those that are not doing it out of genuine love.

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Then it would collapse.

I’ve often wondered why more middle class folks with stable jobs and good homes in good neighborhoods don’t step up— but the reality is that the foster care system is quite invasive. The rules quite clearly favor the children’s biological parents— at least in NY.

They don’t ask potential foster parents to love the kids— as I said— what you call my bias— is my experience working for CPS— they demand a safe place, with a bed, food in the house, and monitored education.

Most FC placements are short term. So a month or three and then bam, kid is reunited with biomom .

Also most of the kids are coming in with many emotional, physical and psychological challenges. Many good and compassionate parents think “How can I expose MY own children to an unstable kid who’s just seen his mom OD?”

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Two years ? That’s it! Sterilize both of them.


  1. Man sexually abuses daughter under 14 and tries to give her iPhone to keep her quiet

  2. Man tortures girlfriends 9-month-old baby into paralysis

  3. Teacher found guilty of molesting four kindergarten age female students and banned from teaching for 4 years

  4. Man sexually abuses a juvenile in KTV

  5. Pediatric cardiologist sexually abuses both mother and underage daughter’s breasts in office

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Taiwan is not a serious country. Jfc

This needs more context. Wut?? :worried:

He abuse the daughter first and then said it was hereditary so abused the mom who also felt bad and then they talked about it when they get home.

Or who knows maybe he was charging too much or what other factors were involved.

This needs to be investigated. To just examine mom’s boobs to see if something is hereditary. The pressure doctors put on women in little rooms is ridiculous. Where was the nurse?