Chili Cheese Fries

I’m talking thick chili and goey cheese with some chopped onions or sans onions w/e… I am craving it.

Where can I find? Can I find it? Please tell me I can… I think On Tap had it on the menu at happy hour but I only got the Nachos.

Gusto HotDog does great chili cheese fries.
And chili cheese dogs.

Gusto next to the Diner?

That’s the one.
They do a great jalapeño double cheese burger too.

If you’ll pardon me but shouldn’t this thread be in the Food Forum as it concerns primarily a foot item or particular dish; ditto the one on Poutine? I can foresee this forum becoming a long list of “Where can I get a salad? Where can I get a sausage? Where can I get…etc.” - type threads. If any of the answers to these questions mention a restaurant or bar where a certain food item can be had, then surely a link would suffice. Otherwise there will be no end to it and this Forum will become a mess and just a long list of individuals’ preferences each with their own unique thread title.

This thread basically isn’t about a bar or restaurant it is about a food item.

My tuppence worth.

If Sandman could address this, then I’ll perhaps forgive him the ‘urine stained trousers’ remark and I shall decist from surrepticiously fondling his wife.



[quote=“TpeBob”]If you’ll pardon me but shouldn’t this thread be in the Food Forum as it concerns primarily a foot item or particular dish; ditto the one on Poutine? I can foresee this forum becoming a long list of “Where can I get a salad? Where can I get a sausage? Where can I get…etc.” - type threads. If any of the answers to these questions mention a restaurant or bar where a certain food item can be had, then surely a link would suffice. Otherwise there will be no end to it and this Forum will become a mess and just a long list of individuals’ preferences each with their own unique thread title.

This thread basically isn’t about a bar or restaurant it is about a food item.

My tuppence worth.

If Sandman could address this, then I’ll perhaps forgive him the ‘urine stained trousers’ remark and I shall decist from surrepticiously fondling his wife.


Surrepticiously? That’s some kind of amalgamation of sneakily and deliciously, right? Is THAT what you call it? I had to use fucking alcohol and wet wipes to get your damn fingerprints off last time.
Anyway, when the day comes that I can go to the moderator panel without getting a “you cannot make another search so soon” or whatever shite comes up, that’s the day I’ll move these posts.

He’s right though. Individual dishes and suchlike should be either in the food forum or the where can I find one. Thanks for your kind attention.

[quote=“sandman”][quote=“TpeBob”]If you’ll pardon me but shouldn’t this thread be in the Food Forum as it concerns primarily a foot item or particular dish; ditto the one on Poutine? I can foresee this forum becoming a long list of “Where can I get a salad? Where can I get a sausage? Where can I get…etc.” - type threads. If any of the answers to these questions mention a restaurant or bar where a certain food item can be had, then surely a link would suffice. Otherwise there will be no end to it and this Forum will become a mess and just a long list of individuals’ preferences each with their own unique thread title.

This thread basically isn’t about a bar or restaurant it is about a food item.

My tuppence worth.

If Sandman could address this, then I’ll perhaps forgive him the ‘urine stained trousers’ remark and I shall decist from surrepticiously fondling his wife.


Surrepticiously? That’s some kind of amalgamation of sneakily and deliciously, right? Is THAT what you call it? I had to use fucking alcohol and wet wipes to get your damn fingerprints off last time.
Anyway, when the day comes that I can go to the moderator panel without getting a “you cannot make another search so soon” or whatever shite comes up, that’s the day I’ll move these posts.

He’s right though. Individual dishes and suchlike should be either in the food forum or the where can I find one. Thanks for your kind attention.[/quote]

Well, these posts are related to restaurants that sell the particular type of food we are looking for. If I was looking for a recipe for Chili Cheese Fries I would have posted in the Food Forum as that is the description of the Food Forums. As there is no description for the Restaurants, Bars & Clubs forums I assumed that this would be the place to look for a recommendation on a Restaurant that would serve the particular dish I was craving. Perhaps I should have posted this in the Where Can I Find forums but the description of the Food Forum does not lead one to believe that the Food Forum would help one in finding a Restaurant that serves the craving of choice but indeed allows someone to perhaps find a good recipe on the perfect Poutine supplement or not. If say, the food forum had a sub catagory for such endeavors as finding the particular food you are looking for at a good price and directions to such an establishment I would be more then happy to post in that section. As such, there is not particular Looking For Hot Plate of Heaven section of the forums I found that the section pertaining to Restaurants to be the best fit for my particular quest as the Where Can I Find forums mostly relate to more house hold items such as the latest and greatest in Alchemy.

But then again, I guess discussions on Chili Cheese Fries do not lead one to be able to discuss how this may pertain to Snape defiling young Hogwarts students with the gooey goodness of melted cheese upon chunky Chili so it may not belong to the Where Can I Find forums as to the likings of Sandman.

On another note. I will try and check out Gusto tomorrow. Thanks! :slight_smile: