China Military Marks 80th Anniversary

China Military marks 80th Anniversary

New uniforms and buffet dining…Hot Pots?..Mmmmmm!

You know whats the most funny part?

Recently , in the media , there are many articles published by high rank ccp or military official.

They emphasis how important the Party(ccp) should grip the control the army…

The point is neither the Chinese mainland folks or overeas critistics talk about this .(some oversea observers or western countries may argue our military budget, but not the issue about this)…

Sigh, I sitll dont know whats the point here ? Maybe as a “ruling party” rather than a revolutionary party(they self-claimed), they want to justify the legimity of the reason why PLA funded by our tax payers but being loyal to the Party??? as well as how they justified their ruling party status?//


Maybe a little bit off the topic. sorry.

It is a fascist dictatorship, so control of the army is rule number one if you want to stay in power…

You missed my point… since no one domestically and internationally now questioned this publicly and loudly…

By doing this seems only remind “brain-washed” CHinese people, we pay tax to feed the party’s army, isnt it?

Didn’t they have an army for the other 5,000 years ?

they had, but it was called differently… how can you expect that they keep any tradition?

The PLA was founded in 1927?

seems so…
They wanted to liberate the people from the liberators of the people…

"The PLA was established on August 1, 1927, as the military arm of the Communist Party of China, and was named the Red Army until June 1946. The People’s Liberation Army’s insignia consists of a roundel with a red star bearing the Chinese characters for “Eight One” referring to August 1 (Chinese:八一, Pinyin: bā yī), the date of the 1927 Nanchang Uprising.

from wikipedia

Their recent efforts concentrate in chemical warfare within China, and against the world.

Not like any other countries ever wanted to invade China…

Their recent efforts concentrate in chemical warfare within China, and against the world.[/quote]
Are you serious with this unfounded statement like that. You may be sued (or screwed) left and right (Back or front) for nothing.

well, considering the efforts of Chinese of screwing up the world population and their own with dubious food and chemicals, I would call it chemical warfare…

So you are dead serious in declaring your war against the 1.3 billion Chinese, of which probably 99.99% of the Chinese played no part in it. Considering that you are part of the diehard DPP sympthizers, your seize mentality is getting more pressing. You can always be the next Rambo by landing yourself in China for your final battle of self-destruction. ROC will not miss your presence definitely.

I’m not diehard DPP sympathizer, as I still consider them too much right wing for my taste (specially when it comes to environmental issues, the guys from the EPA should be taken to swim in the Danshui river…)

if you don’t understand I was being satirical against the recent sprout of “quality” exports from China, then stay with the bicycle, I’ll take the seat…

I hear Mexico and India are much worst in terms of having their food export rejected by the USA FDA on a regular basis.

Oh, Look: defence by pointing to a worse case than your own. Very original, very powerful. I wish I’d thought of it.

Not to mention USA deliberate exportation of possible Mad Cow tainted beef…
hypocracy at its best.

Americans are good at exporting whatever they don’t want…

…uhhh…yeah…uh huh…thats the ticket…do we have a_c dropout on the EXPORT list now?

They wanted to liberate the people from the liberators of the people…[/quote]

Mr. Boogie, you are too kooky.
Who’s the liberator?
Arnold the Terminator?
That’s a real joke
You sound like a dumb bloke
They freed their country
More than you could say for the KMT
Unless you believe it was the Japanese
Who liberated the Chinese
But that is just screwy
But then, you are really kooky.

…uhhh…yeah…uh huh…thats the ticket…do we have a_c dropout on the EXPORT list now?[/quote]

Like shit on a blanket I’m afraid, I don’t think you will ever be able to shake it off cleanly.