China This, China That: The Name Game…
Just curious. re the old Taiwan versus China name game thing:
This is Taiwan, but in Taiwan there are newspapers and companies called:
The CHina Post
The CHina Times
China Petroleum corpoation
CHina Trust bank
China Trust Hotel
Republic of China (okay okay we all know that problem)
and the new post office
The CHina Post Corporation
When is this CHINA shite gonna stop?
I guess the DPP is powerless to change things overnight, and there have been some good changes already, like the GIO logo etc…
My queestion is this:
What other names do you know that use CHINA in the acutal name, even though it is a Taiwan company, bank, newspaper or magazine (please list those you know of…)
Since I am just a foreigner here, it is none of my business to call for change in names, but the local people themselves are aware of this and there are some movements already to rectify the name of Taiwan…
…when do you think these changes in taiwan’s name will be finished? 2025? 2050? 3000? Never? Sooner than later? When?
NOTE: I think the real problem, just in ENglish, mind you, is that for many people overseas in English and other speaking countries, like Germany and France etc, there are real PR problems in how taiwan is perceived. Taiwan says: “We are Taiwan, we are not CHina, we are a soverign island state,” and yet foreigners overseas read about the China Trust Bank in Taiwan and they think taiwan is part of CHina. Or they attend a CETrA conference and then they ask why Taiwan still calls itself China?
How to solve this problem?
But first, let’s make a list of all the names curently in use here that use CHINA in the actual name… there must be 1oo. or more?
Go go go!
[Oh, and by the way, Happy New Year everyone at segueville; i hope the year brings you what you need… and health and happiness too. and thanks to Gus and mods for making this forum discussion possible… you guys put in a lot of work, thanks!