'China Uncensored' on Taiwan's elections


This video was made before yesterday’s election but he clearly believes CCP plays a pivotal role in manipulating Taiwan’s elections, and yesterday’s results probably makes him even more convinced. I have my own views but would be interested to hear from fellow forumosans about this.

I think CCP has always played a pivotal role in manipulating Taiwan’s elections and this one was no exception. It’d be pretty silly to assume that it’s some sort of new development.

Besides, China has been trying to manipulate Australia, Canada and NZ as well now. Akin to what Russia has been doing to Europe and America.

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Yup. No way they didn’t meddle in some way. Just not anything out of the norm to be outraged at.

Agree, and at least in the past, it seems to have backfired more often than not.

How? Ma was elected twice.

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Go back to Lee Tung Hui and the missles fired across the Taiwan Strait. CCP sure didn’t stop CSB from getting elected twice to President. Or the 2016 elections for that matter.

The missles were not an act of manipulation. They had no other means then.

There have been arguments claiming that CSB being shot in 2004 and jailed in 2008 was CCP’s manipulation.

So every win by the DPP rightly reflects the people’s will while every win by the KMT is a result of CCP manipulation?


No. It’s always a combination of factors and CCP manipulation is always one of them.

Believe in conspiracy theories that can be verified (with real evidence) and measured (to what extent)… in which case they become facts.

You may find that link is a satirical media outlet monetizing on the YouTube anti China fan base. More sensation, drama, conspiracy = more YouTube hits = more money. I guess that goes for practically every media outlet these days though.

Ban election campaigns, politics in social media and campaign donations, force Taiwanese to take tests showing they understand what each party represents and maybe only then will their be free and un-manipulated elections.

As long as there’s no collusion:slight_smile:

[flies away] :flying_saucer: