China Uncensored's Alleged FLG links and other Falun Gong Media

China Uncensored are Falun Gong, so should be taken with a pinch of salt, like all FLG media. 60-70% is bullshit.

No they’re not. I’ve met Chris personally and have chatted every now and then. They have some minor affiliations with them at most. It’s misleading to suggest that just because one medium has a link to a religious group, then it’s all bullshit.

We live in a free society and they’re welcome to their opinions just like anyone else. And few outlets have been able to successfully create a popular channel attempting to create an opposing view for China. If you want positive coverage, read the Global Times.

But in an unfree landscape, when your platform is banned by government overreach in people’s lives, I can’t expect that they’d be too happy.


Isnt it produced by New Tang Television? Its Wikipedia says it is. Thats FLG

I dont want positive coverage, i want relatively factual coverage. FLG is mostly bullshit

No. They had intial support cause… you know, NTDTV doesn’t like China. And the show is shown on NTDTV…But the programme is independently run and financed by Chris with ad revenue and patreon. It’s a weak link at most to NTD.

They cite their sources too from a variety of media outlets. They don’t just sit there and feed Epoch Times over and over again.

It’s three/four people max.

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Is it that bad? They just make up news

If they want to be taken seriously, then they need to be completely separate from FLG and maybe change their Wiki.

FLG are no better than scientology and anything related to them cant be serious

YES for the most part. They are a cult, pretty similar to scientology

The only good thing about FLG is that they are anti CCP, but their news is bullshit

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These are good points. But in the west. We don’t ban religions. FLG is the streisand effect before the streisand effect.

They banned it, they got angry, now they have a platform.

China Uncensored has brought awareness to the CCP.

Is the organ harvesting fake? all made up. And the Uighar internment camps? (not being sarcastic, actually inquiring)


I dont understand what you are saying. FLG support Trump and QANON. Their leader says he is on the level with Jesus. They are a cult by any standards.

Who talked about banning them? I just dont trust their silly news

Organ harvesting real

Uighur internment real

The CCP banned FLG. My point is, it’s the right of people to religious freedom. Even to Scientology. It’s their right to believe that.

Of course their editorial bias is going to be anti CCP.

China Uncensored very rarely uses FLG media as their sources.

Sure agree.

At the same time, not interested in listening to either Scientology media or FLG media

Was there some big news by FLG they claimed that turned about to be fake that is common knowledge? Just curious

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I dont think you get my point. My problem is not their bias, its their nonsense

Have you watched any of their episodes?

Can you give an example? Im curious…

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About what? Chinese news? US news? world news?

China mostly. It’s all made up sensational nonsense

I also am not much of a fan of their “Trump is the savior” QANON stuff, but mostly China

Would have to think. In general it’s garbage