China vs. Taiwan

While the chinese government is full of wonderfully positive prejudices. Sure.


Still waiting for you to flesh out the open mind comments.
So far… nothing.


Guys keep an open mind on the dog meat festival where they burn dogs alive with a blow torch because they think it taste better. It’s just part of Chinese culture. I thought China would relax more and stop being so insane and brutally totalitarian in order to woo HK Macau and eventually Taiwan but they’ve done just the opposite. Even made Xi pretty much the emperor in every way but by name.

Everyone knows they speak better English obtainable than Japan. Ask any tourist who’s been to both.

Andrew could we do without the video pls:worried:

So it fun in the slaughterhouses of other countries is it?

You really want to compare a slaughterhouse to breaking a dogs legs so they can’t move and burning them alive with a blow torch to get adrenaline in their muscles because they think it taste better? Laughable. Everything you’ve said is just ridiculous so far and everyone is calling it as it.

Yes China has a lot of opportunities considering it’s a vast country and all of its enterprises are government backed and can’t fail along with them just printing money like there’s no tomorrow. It is a growing economy but I would question their GDP growth rate they report, probably lower than they have been reporting especially recently. But besides all that, let’s not pretend China is not still pretty backwards especially outside of the southern major cities and they have a extremely oppressive totalitarian regime that will fuck up your day for saying the wrong thing and there would be nothing you can do about it. Human right? They don’t believe in that.

My dad had 6 employees imprisoned for some Bs charges. No employees wants to go there now and if you ask people that go, they will take a less importing title like sales associate vs GM even though they are the GM they don’t want to be the main guy when shits goes rough. Of the 6 employees he only manages to bribe officials, customs agents and other people to get 3 back safely to Taiwan. 3 other there’s nothing he can do or money he can pay or bribe. There are no lawyers that can help you. You bribe your way if you’re lucky to have the money and pray they will accept it.

That being said. I had a blast during my couple months living there. There’s a fun to the madness of China. And Chinese people can party with clubs and bars packed every single day. I’ve thought about working there with a great job offer but passed due to many of the negatives of China.

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Can someone spoil this and just spark-notes the conclusion he came to? So is Taiwan better or not? Because I have no interest in sitting through a long vlog.

Obviously someone with a different experience of living in China. He has been civil and respectful, so think there is no need to accuse him of having nefarious motives.

There are still good things about China, especially in terms of salary and career progression. Its not unreasonable for someone to have a positive experience there.

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Agree, I am sure a lot of people have a positive experience there, me myself included.

But, its hard not to find it odd when one the one hand we got people discussing Chinas designs to annex Taiwan, or say intern camps in Xinjiang and then on the other hand someone wants us to have an “open mind”


Then why do you tell us about your friends allergies?


Well the experience of animals ether has some moral value or it doesn’t. If it does have moral value, then why use and torture and eat and wear them? It happens globally.

If I was to have a concern about the experience and value of animals that I wanted to act on I would first change my own behavior towards animals before pointing the finger at the behavior of others. There are plenty of videos out there to show the nasty side of animal use in many cultures. If it so happens that you are a vegan I accept your point about the treatment of the dog. Otherwise, no.

Not going to go into the moral debate of animal rights. But I’m pretty disgusted that you’re basically defending it using others do it, what’s the difference argument. Enjoy your dog eating festival


I didnt defend it. I said either go vegan or stop complaining. Are you vegan?

Why can’t I protest the clear unnecessary mistreatment of animals? You forgot that this is a free country not like sayyyy China?

You can protest, but it makes you a hypocrite unless you are vegan. Are you vegan?

Does not make me a hypocrite to protest against against people burning dogs alive like I refuse to eat shark fins.


Ok I accept it is wrong when people use animals, expect when the person using the animals is not Chinese. Then it is right. Glad that is sorted out.

He is objecting to unnecessary mistreatment of animals, not to the killing of animals in general.


Oh right, so when Chinese people use animals it is unnecessary, but when non Chinese people use animals it is necessary. Got it.