Chinese hackers: No site is safe

Nothing really new or surprising about this. Various reports have been posted on the internet about the PRC/PLA special group…“Room ###?(some number as its designator)” where they hack all day. Feed on Ho-Ho’s and Mt. Dew no doubt.
Here’s is a new group of PRC/PLA wanna-be’s being all they can be for the glorious peoples revolution and general nuisance.

[quote] Chinese hackers: No site is safe

ZHOUSHAN, China (CNN) – They operate from a bare apartment on a Chinese island. They are intelligent 20-somethings who seem harmless. But they are hard-core hackers who claim to have gained access to the world’s most sensitive sites, including the Pentagon.

In fact, they say they are sometimes paid secretly by the Chinese government – a claim the Beijing government denies.

“No Web site is one hundred percent safe. There are Web sites with high-level security, but there is always a weakness,” says Xiao Chen, the leader of this group.

“Xiao Chen” is his online name. Along with his two colleagues, he does not want to reveal his true identity. The three belong to what some Western experts say is a civilian cyber militia in China, launching attacks on government and private Web sites around the world.

(video at link)

If there is a profile of a cyber hacker, these three are straight from central casting – young and thin, with skin pale from spending too many long nights in front of a computer.

One hacker says he is a former computer operator in the People’s Liberation Army; another is a marketing graduate; and Xiao Chen says he is a self-taught programmer. (more about the geeks at link) … index.html[/quote]

from the article:

“They are sort of useful idiots for the Beijing regime.”
He adds, “These young hackers are tolerated by the regime provided that they do not conduct attacks inside of China.”

The readers’ comments on the CNN web site say everything I might have wanted to say.

I like this one:“if your a good hacker, people know it. if your a great hacker…no one knows you exist.”

The thing about young black-hat hackers is that they’re always getting played by somebody, and it will all come to tears.

Analysis: Cyberattacks on Tibet groups
Published: March 24, 2008 at 11:51 AM
By SHAUN WATERMAN, UPI Homeland and National Security Editor

[i]"WASHINGTON, March 24 (UPI) – Malicious e-mail and other cyberattacks on Tibet advocacy groups in the United States are linked to Internet servers used in past hacker intrusions traced by U.S. law enforcement to China.

The link, made by security experts on the basis of publicly available data, is the first direct evidence the recently intensified attacks against the Tibet groups, reported by United Press International a week ago, were launched from China. But it remains unclear to what extent – if any – the Chinese government or military is implicated.

The news follows charges last week from the Save Darfur Coalition, a group opposing Chinese policy in Darfur, they had been the target of intrusion attempts “which appeared to originate in China and seemed intent on subversively monitoring, probing and disrupting coalition activities.”

The recent cyberattacks on several Tibet groups were analyzed by a security researcher for the SANS Internet security organization, Maarten Van Horenbeeck, who followed cyberattacks against Tibet organizations, and advocates for other Chinese ethnic groups such as the Uighurs, for many years."[/i](more at link)[/quote]

PRC/PLA cyber thugs at work