Chinese Kung Fu Master, 詠 春 拳 Wing Chun

So far, I am living in Taipei and running a Wing Chun class.
Would you please do me a favor let anybody knows this master here, both Kung Fu fans or not, lives in Taipei and abroad.
Recommend following information to them — they are looking for Wing Chun master any time in Taiwan.
Perhaps we can do nice promotion for Wing Chun world that is also a best job for you and me.
I do speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English, am from Hong Kong.
Thank you very much and keep in touch please.

詠 春 拳 功 夫 Wing Chun Kuen Kung Fu

司徒長志 老師親授詠春拳
小組上課時間 :
19:30 – 21:30 每週一, 三, 五. 共三堂六小時
小組上課地點 :
師範大學-國語教學中心旁 進修推廣部一樓空地
學費 每人每月NT3,000
可個別上課或特約小組上課 : 另再議定上課時間地點學費
報名費每人 NT1,000

Master Francis Szeto is running a Wing Chun Kuen group class at 師大 Shi-Ta campus.
( National Taiwan Normal University 國立台灣師範大學 )
Class time : 19:30 – 21:30 / 3 lessons a week.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Tuition: Each one NT3,000 Per month.
Enrollment fee: NT1,000
Individual lesson: Time and tuition to be discussed.
At the 師範大學-國語教學中心 NTNU - Mandarin Training Center next block. First floor open ground.
( I can run a class / lesson at your home, club, community, school- - -and so on. We have to discuss the detail about time and tuition. )

Francis Szeto 司徒長志
Mobile: 0958-233-005
Home: 2351-9843

Keep dreaming, and always ask “why not?”!