I did a search but can’t find the dates. Does anyone know when it is? thanks:)
It commences the week beginning Monday 19 February.
Incorrect. The first day of holidays is Saturday, February 17th (Chu Xi). Chinese New Year’s Day is on Sunday the 18th.
And what does one do as a lonley westener during chinese new year when everyone stays home with their families?
3 week so go before I arrive in Taipei
Many find that copious amounts of alcohol help them get through this joyful season. Same as Christmas in the west…
Here’s the holidays for 2007: cpa.gov.tw/cpa2004/egfix/EEW70001.html
Assuming someone doesn’t go and change them the week before.
For all you math and astronomy buffs out there, here is a paper I found via wiki that discusses how to calculate the Chinese calendar. It’s all quite fascinating if you’re a geek like me!
(NB: This is a direct link to the .pdf file)
The Mathematics of the Chinese Calendar
[quote=“TheLostSwede”]And what does one do as a lonley westener during chinese new year when everyone stays home with their families?
3 week so go before I arrive in Taipei [/quote]
make your plane reservations to southeast asia now
Haha, if I had that much spare cash going I would…
Besides, I’ll only have been in Taiwan for 3 months or so by then so…