one, i don’t feel well so that’s part of it. but it seems i never really enjoy chinese new year. this one, we finally got out of the house with my father in law and went to an outdoor arcade. that was fun. i shot up the place and won some prizes. later that night we ordered pizza.
as long as there’s some flexibilty i won’t go crazy.
just free associating here. any thoughts about CY? how was this year’s for you?
What is to enjoy? A week off without pay. All the fun places are closed. All your friends are off with their family. Fireworks, noise, too crowded to shop even for groceries.
Hate it.
I also hated CNY. Granted, it gave me enough time to catch up on all the episodes of television shows I’ve been missing, read three novels, and study a lot, but I also did all that because Sanxia was taken over by the night market (huge, pushing crowds and hawkers yelling on speakers) and the fireworks maniacs. Between the two, I didn’t want to go outside - especially not to the quiet parks I usually go to to relax. Blech. No more CNY for me, thanks.
Er,CNY is not my favorite holiday.
Its a bit long holiday to me.
too long. and the travel part is impractical for taiwan, even with the new bullet train. one thing i noticed is that in a culture where everyone “has to” do the same thing on the same day, it taxes resources to the max. it creates pollution ,ie “gotta burn that money on this day”, etc.
[quote=“SuchAFob”]What is to enjoy? A week off without pay. All the fun places are closed. All your friends are off with their family. Fireworks, noise, too crowded to shop even for groceries.
Hate it.[/quote]
Take up diving.
true. i love snorkling! never learned the air tank stuff, but i think snorkling is definitely my new sport…uh if i can just get down to kenting. it’s way to easy to sit on the sofa and watch DVDs of CSI miami every weekend.
We took Monday and Tuesday (between CNY and 228) off. Then we traveled south along Highway 9 last Thursday, freely whizzing by the 100-km Hualien-to-Suao bumper-to-bumper nightmare going the opposite direction. Had lunch in Nan-ao and pitied the people going north. Though the campground we wanted to stay in in Hualien was fully booked last Thursday night (damn those mass camping groups), we did find camping nearby. Once we got to Taidong, we had no problems with finding camping. The Southern Cross Island Highway was not crowded at all, and it was spectacular. Then Tainan was not overflowing with tourists by the time we got there, and we didn’t need to pay CNY rates at the hotel, nor even have to book a room. We just showed up. The drive back on Tuesday evening was quick and easy. Not traffic problems whatsoever.
The trick to traveling in Taiwan during CNY is to travel opposite the way the locals do. Go south when they go north.
good idea! damn straight. when in rome, do the opposite!!
I have tubes in my ears. I’m not even really supposed to surf. And CNY isn’t during surf season anyways! But diving is a definite no-no.
The trick to traveling in Taiwan during CNY is to travel opposite the way the locals do. Go south when they go north.[/quote]
Too right. I did the same: Got back from Canada Saturday (CNY eve), when the last of the mad holiday rushers were still trying to leave the country, hibernated Sunday, went to a movie Monday, hibernated again Tuesday and then was off to Kending Wednesday when everyone else was heading the other way. Made it back to Taipei Saturday morning in under 5 hours. All in all, it was a breeze.