Chirac, Schroeder tell Kerry to F*** Off

I think you meant to type “Military might is [color=red]important[/color] to remove the problem finally.”

In October 2001, still in shock from the September 11th attacks and the subsequent anthrax mailings, it was a nearly universal belief that the U.S. would have more and more major terrorist attacks on its soil. Bush’s military actions have moved the battlefield to the Middle East. More attacks may happen in the U.S., but they are capturing and killing would-be terrorists on an almost daily basis.

One was nailed in Nashville just a couple of days ago; he was trying to buy guns and explosives to attack unnamed “Jewish targets” in the U.S. Pakistan has had several high-profile captures and kills. Then there are all the “insurgents” in Iraq who are dying in droves to try to forestall free elections there and either reinstate the Baath Party dictatorship or install an Islamic religious dictatorship like the Taliban.

Good riddance to all of them. I’m glad they’re being killed or captured before they can plan and execute another major attack within the U.S.